Legendary cards conspiracy theory

upon opening my new Titans packs, every legendary I opened was a pair, let me explain what I mean:

I open the game up and the signature card I get as the pre-order bonus was Tyr, I click and the golden legendary is the paladin titan Amitus, a coincidence maybe but ok whatever, I proceed to open my Titans’ golden packs, get nothing, move onto the normal packs and the first legendary opened is Sargeras, ok that’s just random it’s the guaranteed in the first 10 packs opened so it’s fine, I open another 15 packs and the next legendary I open is Loken, the other warlock legendary card of the set, another coincidence? or is something going on here to always get a pair of class legendaries?

i keep opening packs and after another 18 I open signature Thorim, ok not what I was hoping to get but I’ll take it, open another 12 packs and get Golganneth, so now I’m really starting to think there’s a conspiracy afoot, in my final 30 packs I opened both Odyn and khaz’goroth (in that order), so unless I somehow broke the RNG machine It seems like there might be some sorry of thing in place to help get a titan+associated legendary instead of missing out on them and breaking the synergy, either way it’s wild.

I think you’re reading to much into it.

I got a rogue titan and a mage legendary as my only two oranges so far. Doubt it’s linked; no reason for it to be.

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Nothing weird going on here except you seem to be on the privileged 20 packs legendary pity timer for paying customers. It’s complete nonsense because I’ve had to go nearly the full 40 pack pity timer 3 times in a row.