Legend Special Bundle

Legend Special Bundle Includes:

  • A special offer to celebrate your progress to Legend Rank!

  • 20 Golden Standard Packs

  • Each pack has 5 cards, with at least 1 Rare or better.

Think it’s worth it?

The similarities between this and Diablo Immortal frighten me, I’ll be honest.


Yes, but it’s an 800% value! (where do they get those random percentages from?)

In DI, the F2P rewards suck so bad that players are pressured into purchasing bundles just like this after a rift. So, instead of making the base reward worth anything, to truly be “rewarded”, here is a limited time bundle. After every new rift. The game has been panned worse than any AAA game I’ve ever seen. Do we want Hearthstone headed this way?

I care a lot for this game. I do worry they’re going to take the game into that direction. A lot of psychology at play, like the fear of missing out, which persuades players to compulsively make purchases they probably don’t need.

I don’t mean to blow this out of proportion. Fortunately, the business models are entirely different beasts.

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i still think the golden one is better manly because im looking for the cheapest bundle

no idea if the dust you can get from 20 gold packs has a good value for the price

so if im searching to get the most cards for the price the gold rank bundle is better

Also, for F2P players, seeing said bundles becoming available and thinking they are just to good to pass up…perhaps creating more paying players.

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They may be worth it, especially if you already have a full standard collection. In that case, they’re basically golden Nathria packs. I wouldn’t purchase it, personally, and I recommend you don’t either unless you really need the dust.

I didn’t think of this.

If I buy them now, they will contain cards from the current cards.

I can just wait, I guess.

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Yeah. I’ve been sitting on around 100 standard packs for a month or two now. I’ll be opening them come Nathria.

So, the contents are determined upon opening and not purchase?

That’s correct. Due to duplicate protection, assuming you own all standard cards as of now, these packs will only include Nathria cards you do not own.


mostly out of their ar*se, frankly. It´s just sth they put there without any legally binding 100% to relate to to make you think this is a special deal you need to grab right now.

The two Questions you should think about before purchase is

  • do i like the game enough to support it/get some value of the purchase via playing/enjoying my new collection

  • do i have the money to spare, and even if so is there nothing i´d rather do with it.

If both lead you to make a purchase it shouldn´t matter if it´s 1% or 15348% value.

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I really want this bundle. I was offered it the day after hitting Legend for the first time. By the time I decided to buy it (4 days after being offered), it had vanished from my Shop.

I made a support ticket to see why it disappeared, and support contact’s response was that he didn’t think this bundle even exists.

Really frustrating to get offered a juicy golden bundle, with no ‘Limited-time’ tag on it, and then have it disappear as a purchase option from the shop without any explanation, after such a small purchase window (4 days).

Anyone else have a similar experience?

I remember on the old forums people wanting more deals now everyone whines about them. Typical.

I’ve been Legend since the first week, was offered up to the platinum bundle I believe, after that all the bundles disappeared from the shop and was never offered the Legend one nor the diamond one.

Why ? This is bs

But they shouldn’t surprise you. Financially, Diablo Immortal was a huge success. The other metrics of success or failure don’t matter. Everything Blizzard will be Immortalized going forward.


Do you think that spells success for the company? I mean, longterm.

well, there´s always hope that it doesn´t.

albeit if they keep the insane monetization to mobile and improve pc quality it´s fine for me.

also there´s some hope more countries step up their laws vs lootbox systems in the future.

Not really. It’s like with alcohol. Getting drunk is stupid, but people like getting drunk. Prohibition didn’t work. VPNs exist.

Ultimately this is the fault of the people. If Blizzard didn’t, someone else would, and lots of someone elses do. The problem is there’s a real economic demand for this shtuff. Diablo Immortal is just business discovering something that’s been latent within the population for some time now.

Loot boxes is considered a form of gambling by many and children are often involved, which might be the cause for its abolition some day.