Legend rank shouldn’t face diamond ranks

It’s a matter of mindset for a lot of players. not everyone wanted to go high legend when they hit it. I myself play the best deck possible to get Legend ASAP. then, I mostly try different types of decks and mostly off-meta decks. Or I try to unlock annoying achievements. when you lose some games in legend your MMR is close to diamond 1-5. On the one hand, I try to complete achievements or enjoy off-meta decks, on the other hand, my diamond rank opponent easily crushes me by playing the s tier deck in the meta.
that’s a problem to me. It is more like a punishment to hit legend in this situation. Like I’ve already beaten a lot of even shaman or pirate rouge, and they don’t even let me to reach 4-5 mana for a lot of achievements. but in legend, there is more chance ppl play different styles like yours.
a legend rank always should face a legend rank.

well you are discussing about the sole meaning of MMR
And this doesn’t just apply to legend players
If I stop ranking up at diamong 10 to get the down rank protection, then play only achievment-focused decks, of course I’ll face platinum players trying to rank up
So should I also ask for diamonds to only play against diamonds so we can all sit at the bottom of the rank to play meme, bad and achievment decks and create that weird off-meta pocket ?

yes. I think You should ask to face (at least more) diamond rank when you are in diamond rank. let’s forget the meme deck or achievement purpose deck. since yesterday, I’ve played dozens of games in wild legend. I only faced a few legend ranks and 90% of them were diamond. even diamond 6 lol. and I won more than half of them, but I keep facing them.
I’m not asking others to play off-meta decks like me when they hit legend, but as I said, there is more chance players go for off-meta decks in legend than diamond 1-5 that players wanted to go legend as fast as they can.

If you want to try off-meta decks, why not do it in Casual rather than Ranked, Ranked is literally meant to be competitive, so if you want to try stuff out it’s only expected of you to do it in Casual.

I didn’t say that. I expect to play more legend rank in legend rather than diamond. and yes. players in legend play more off-meta decks. and I have more chances to face them. Casual mode is for casuals mostly and you easily win in that mode. If I wanted to win fast and easy, I would play the same decks that got me into legend over and over again.

You are playing your MMR, maybe that’s the problem.

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It’s still MMR we’re talking about
If I was legend before monthly reset it wouldn’t be fair once in bronze to play against players that never achieved gold, so the game makes me play against players of my MMR, regardless of their current rank as it is irrelevant.
It would make more sens to match a bronze and plat players with the same MMR together, than matching a beginner and pro player that are both bronze atm
Once MMR is checked the game tries to match ppl of ranks close enough to better reflect the progression over the season, Their are definitely gold players with better MMR than low-legend players

I feel like I lost myself and went off-topic here :thinking:

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thanks for explaining. no, you are on the topic.

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Perhaps you and the guy that says low mmr, legend should not face blizzard bots need to have a conversation.

Diamond ranks dont like playing low Mmr legend.

Low MMR legend don’t like playing bots.

nobody likes Long queues.

Between those 3 conditions, its pretty much impossible to meet all 3

I fully understand you cuz I am a similar type of player. Yet the system is fine imho, you rly should be matched based on your mmr. If they change that system we’d went into a total matchmaking mess.

Here is what I do.
I play my own decks up until D5 (sometimes it’s even good enough for legend but thats a different story)
then I lurk around D5 as long as I want to test/improve my own decks.
If my own stuff dosnt make it to legend, I swap to a top deck by the end of the month and push for legend.

I cant speak for the us server but I assume it’s comparable, at least at eu the best rank to stay on is D5, for ppl that like to play off meta.

Actually I often end the month in diamond cuz I dosnt rly matter to me. I can push to legend whenever I want, so who cares. I got mostly 10 stars even when I end in diamond, if I drop to 9 I push my mmr a little.

Maybe you want to give “my way” a try, for me it made my gaming experience a whole lot better but it’s a mindset thing at the end of the day, possibly it dosnt fit you.

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a lot of time I use this strategy too. I just really didn’t understand how mmr system works. at this point, I face diamond 6-10 too.

Look at BGs

The MMR is displayed on the front page of the Battlegrounds section. You should face people within a fair margin of the MMR you see. Same thing works with Standard/Wild etc. The only difference is it’s hidden in the other modes.

BG’s Rating isn’t your MMR
It’s a good representation of it but it isn’t
At the reset of rating when a new season starts, not all players climb at the same rate
I can top 1 20 times and get +300 rating each game (actual maximum) but it will decrease at that point (even earlier maybe) because it’s where I was at in the previous season.
Whereas top players can have +300 even at 8K
(I exagerated the numbers but it’s still a thing, you will climb faster for longer at the beginning of the season at equal game results if you were ranked higher previously, implying that your actual MMR was kept after the reset).

Of course if there’s on oversight I’d be glad to know

I was simply giving an example where you can see your mmr so OP could kind of grasp the concept of MMR. Yes, at the beginning of the season, you’ll likely hit big mmr gains so you can get back up there within 2-3k of your previous max. It’ll taper off as you approach that max.

Also, I did add you will play marginally close to your MMR. Not exactly that.

Let’s you’re 1k. You’re not going to always face 999, 998, 997, 1001 and so on. The system will try to find the closest. You’ll actually know how close it was as you get closer to your max as the rewarded mmr per finish will be greater the closer you are to others on the same level.

once you hit legend you should not be reset to bronze every month. Stay at legend. Play vs real players. BOTS infest the lower ranks.

If we follow that logic, eventually every one will be legend at some point
legend players only play against legend players
So once a diamond player reaches legend, they are no longer a threat for other diamond players to climb to legend
Once every diamond player is legend, platinum players are free to go to diamond and climb legend…
Not even talking about monthly rewards. Are they just given for free forever every month ? Even if you reached legend 4 years ago in a completely different meta and only played 10 ranked games since ?

From what I know every other game ranking system does reset at some point. For Hearthstone it’s every month. Hearthstone is kinda fast paced, you can climb quickly, it’s trivial to climb back to diamond every month once you “tryharded” once for it

Beside, I don’t recall having played against obvious bots, like, ever.
And if there are bots amongst bad MMR players, high MMR players won’t encounter them at bronze ranks since they don’t share the same MMR. And even if they did they just have to win 3 games and they’ll be gold already

That is true… Legend should not face to Diamond but there is no justice in this game… neither balance… so just let it go and don’t spend a single cent…