How do you know they are Legend rank? As far as I know, you can´t see exact rank of your opponent if you are not in Legend yourself. Unless, of course, you have your opponent in your friend list. Do you have all opponents in friend list or do you befriend all of your opponets after the match?
Also, I don´t understand the complaint. Why do you think that Legend players who are eligible to match with someone in D3-D1 is superior in skill? You don´t magically become better player once you cross the Legend rank threshold. It is quite opposite - a lot of players just relax and play some whacky decks for fun because there is nothing more to achieve. Meanwhile D3-D1 players trying hard their net decks are much tougher to beat. At least this is my experience and I am not saying it is universal.
I would be happier with Legend opponent than D3-D1 if I would try to get Legend myself.
This doesn’t happen. Even if the game were pushing you to tougher matchups, you would find better players, not counter decks (unless, of course, whatever meta there is at higher ranks is toxic to your deck, like top legend and pre-miniset paladin).
But overall, it simply doesn’t happen. Do you track your games? I track my games. It never happens.
It’s MMR. Your current rank doesn’t matter.
If you normally hit, let’s say, legend 1500, as an example, at the beginning of the season when you queue into that first game at Bronze 10, the game is recognizing you as the legend 1500 player, not the Bronze 10. Your opponent will be of similar MMR. You won’t match someone who sits in bronze.
Yea, I am not buying it.
Since I have never been legend, I shouldn’t have legend level MMR. I don’t have the time to grind so I end the month with platinum 5, getting my 5 ranked wins every week for the quest and nothing more.
I suppose if I bothered to play more than 5 ranked games a week, I would be diamond or legend, who knows. But the point is I don’t, so I shouldnd play against those people.
Actually once i did see a very bizarre stream of a person using their own legend account to give free wins to everyone until they did reach bronze rank MMR.
Well, maybe in some bizzare occurance as you described, yes it could be possible. But Horation makes it sound like he is getting Legend rank opponents on regular basis. Which I don´t believe. He doesn´t see the rank of his opponents unless he has them in the friend list. Which, I would bet, he does not have.
Maybe people are confusing actual Legend rank players with those with legend card back?
But it’s true and it depends on the player’s last season achievement. For example, if you were diamond 5 last season, you will get 9 bonus stars to reach your league faster and as long you have your bonus stars multiplicated you’re in the same player pool as legend players.
What about someone like me that reached Bronze 7. I dont recall any stars at the start of this month. I am consistently matched against crazy fast and insanely all rare+ cards when i play ranked (wild). I finally started a core only deck recently and it is standard but I havent gotten above bronze 9 so far. (been playing duels and bgs and just lack any energy to put into that mode.)
Who am I paired up against all the time? As far as I know I never have any stars that Im aware of. I still dont understand them or the rate you earn them, how or why they exist, etc. Im sure someone linked to something about them before but I know I have no memory from whatever in depth essay length website they linked to as to what I still dont know about them. lol.
If you have no bonus stars, then you will face bronze players, but consider that when you reach silver already you get 1 bonus star, which puts you in the ladder where are other people (even legend players) for this short period until you lose your bonus stars.
The system works like that there are two ladders within wild / standard. ladder. First one, if you have bonus stars from pervious seasons where you will match against players with bonus stars and the other ladder where players face players without bonus stars.
Funfact: You lose your bonus stars, if you didn’t reached the same rank as previous season for example diamond last season (8-9), platin this season (6-7) and so on and also when you don’t play ranked at all over months, then you rank starts decaying slowly. That means it is still possible that you face good players in bronze, when they started playing again after a long break.