Why exactly diamond rank players have to suffer rank loss when matched with legend rank players? They have nothing to lose in rank but diamond ranks lose stars and more then often fall back to rank 5.
Can not count times when i was 1 star away from legend and always face legend rank player with stupid deck and again fall back few ranks.
And when i reach legend, i am always being matched with rank 1-6 diamond rank players. Like what the hell?
Fix this crap, it is not fair. Why this is still not fixed?
Each rank players should and must be matched with same rank not otherwise.
it’s because your ranking on the ladder no longer reflect your MMR. They separated the two ratings (ladder and hidden MMR) when they introduced bonus stars.
I constantly play against legend players from bronze to platinum too.
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How do you know? Is there a setting to see your opponent ranking outside of legend?
Just firend them. And you will see the rank.
Do you think top 10 leggo finishers are playing against actual Bronze MMR players at the beginning of every season? (Not just top 10, of course, just making a blunt point)
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Legend is just 50% winrate…
If you only achieve 50% WR, it’s going to take forever to get to legend though.
point is, it is not fair. Legend players have nothing to lose at their rank, while diamond players losing stars and diamond ranks.
That’s the entire point of of a ladder. Games at diamond level are intense because stakes are high, unless you gave up on legend for the month and just play for fun.
Tell you what, if you are facing legend player, it means you have the skill to get to legend yourself. It may take quite a bit of games to grind those stars, but game recognizing your skill and match you with legend players, be proud.
Everyone got it the same way, so it’s actually fair.
But I agree with you that legend players should be able to drop below legend and back to diamond.
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The “Legend” players you are playing at that point are not exactly the top 100 players in Hearthstone. They are essentially the same as a D5+ player. The pool is smaller at those ranks for matches so they supplement missing players with low end legend players.
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Then there could be a rule, if you face legend rank player and lose you do not lose star while at diamond rank.
i reach legend and not playing after because it is actually annoying to face diamond rank players that are trying to reach legend while i have nothing what to lose.
What exactly is the issue though? Comparing a low ranking legend player to a diamond ranked player is fair IMO. Just because there are players in legend that don’t care about losing rank doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to win. Both should be at a similar skill level.
Is it because a low ranking legend player is more likely to play a meme deck? If so, that clearly favors the Diamond player. The Diamond player could still lose of course and I understand how frustrating that could be, but plenty of people play low tier decks in Diamond.
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Say it takes 1000 mmr to reach legend and 1500 to reach diamond 5.
He get to legend, he then loses games and his mmr Is 1500.
When your game looks for players similar to you it seems him.
You dont lose anything more for playing and losing to him then you would another diamond 5 player and he probably has a similar win/loss ratio over his last 100 games.
His sole claim to fame is won enough games in a row to get from diamond 5 to legendary, say he won 10 games in a row, then he immediately lost 10 gamed in a row.
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The MMR system is horrible. They should match players against their own rank. Gold vs Gold, Diamond vs Diamond. Match the Legend players against bots if they need opponents and stop feeding them the lower ranked players. That is laughable at best.
I think you are right, it is not fair to match D5 players against Legends because it a very big difference… poor little Diamond 5 try to reach Legend for the first time in it’s life… and Legend player is just try to get higher in Legend… If that is true… then they should allow D5 players to get bonus stars for win streaks like every one below it…
It doesn’t make sense tough to let Legend players fall back to Diamond because then the top Legend list would be useless I think… No one could hold it’s rank long enough to get a place… (Who has a life… ofc) I say they should just change the rules to let players above D5 get bonus stars for win streak… mainly if they are really matched against Legends…
The system is actively looking for a guy that won’t curbstomp you, that’s the whole point. The guy at legend isn’t that much better than you, you’re on the same MMR bracket.
On your proposal, however, you would face a ton of people worse than you, curbstomping them, and then be actually curbstomped by the people who are ACTUALLY good at legend. You’re literally asking for unfair matches.
This suggestion right here is exactly what OP is complaining about.
Tbh the difference a skill edge makes these days is minimal particularly when you start getting into diamond\legend and even platinum to some degree.
And yes the higher the volume of games you play the more skill edge has an effect. But if you are playing 10 - 15 games a day then RNG has a far more dramatic effect on win\loss. In fact starting hand or whether you go first or second has more of an impact.