Legend rank impossible in wild?

So I know I’m not an amazing HS player, but how does one actually get legend rank?

I’m about to throw my computer out the window because I actually found myself at silver 3 earlier this week when I’m usually at silver 6 during the last week of the month, and got to silver 2 with 2 stars on Thursday. Thought well it shouldn’t be too hard to get to gold 10 from here what with a whole weekend coming up. Friday night all I could do was win 1, lose 1, win 1, lose 1, win 1, lose 1. Like seriously?

And now today again. I actually won 2, but then have lost the last 3.

So it has always seemed to me that ranked mode is a stupidly hard mode to actually climb in as only in bronze do they make it easy, but that’s 9 levels away from legend once you hit silver 10.

Do people who get to legend play hearthstone ranked matches like 8 hours a day?

And exactly how? Because doesn’t seem like no matter what deck I use, even if it seems like a good deck where my odds are at least 50/50 there has always seemed to me to be three strategies to win and while you can make a really great deck of 1 strategy that deck will be weak against the other 2.

Those strategies being zerg, gimmick (you know like mecha’thun) or tempo/control.

If I play a zerg deck I will beat anyone who doesn’t have a very strong tempo deck, but if I go up against the priest control (rezzing the crap out of those 2 deathrattle taunts, etc.) then I get smoked.

Likewise if I play a paladin deck where I buff the crap out of minions in my hand and I go up against a mage then pretty good chance I can win, but if I get put up against a tavosh hunter, forget it game over.

It’s like I just don’t even know anymore. Doesn’t seem like no matter which deck I pick gold 10 is impossible. Especially as I only have at most about an hour a day to play ranked.

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I know how you feel. Last year it took me an entire month just to get to Gold 5. And that was only if I got lucky.

This month I started playing just a week ago and I hit Platin 8 today.

If I can give you some advice then stop constantly switching decks when you loose. Pick 1 deck that you really like and keep playing and improving that deck.

Watch your opponent carefully and memorize how they can beat and counter your moves. Using a decktracker is very helpful for that.

Make yourself familiar with the current meta. That has a big influence on your mulligan which will greatly impove your chance to win.

Maybe you should start with the standard mode instead of wild. The number of crazy decks you can encounter in wild is much higher than in standard.

Forget about hitting legend and your current rank. I can speak from experience that this has an negative effect on the game. It makes you commit mistakes and makes you even more frustrated when you lose.

Pick a class that resonates with you and collect experience without caring about your rank. You will see that you will begin to win games more often and also know exactly why you may have lost a game. And there are certain matchups that you can’t win.

I hit legend in standard with concoction miracle rogue this month. Previously I had only hit it once other time using Undertaker hunter, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Understand the meta you are in. If I say Pure Pally, Shadow aggro, Blood Death Knight, those phrases should have meaning to you. You know how to counter those things you face. Seems very basic, but I see a lot of under tuned decks and players.

Do not tilt. Frost DK burst you down by turn 4? Oh well, requeue. Find it really tough to reconsile just how lucky your opponent got? Take a walk, go smoke, pet your dog. Anything that’s going to refresh you mentally.

Tracking software is totally legal and helps a bunch keeping track of what you got left and gives information on what your opponent has in hand. Also helps you keep track of wins and losses so you can see just how much you win and lose against what.

Time. You had mentioned you play for about an hour. That will not be enough time to hit legend unless you have some crazy 70%+ win rate deck with fast games. Nothing in this meta is that quick. Not in wild especially.

Is it really worth your time? Are you impressed when you face an opponent with that card back? On the recieving end, all it gets me is roped every turn or friend request wanting to know when and how I got it.

Easy, you play the game, and as you progress adapt figure what is hold you back. Wether it be what you are facing in terms of decks or it simply can be that you’re not making the best choices, or even the right deck to get you to legend.

I would recommend using Hsreply so you can review the matches that you lost and adapt to make any changes for future matches.

Yes, wild has a lot of different things that can be played, however, as with standard, you will gneerally face the same type of decks from each class.

Sometimes one can yoyo a fair bit between diamond 5 to legend. It’s happens to us all at some point.

Hey I barely made it to Bronze 9 this last month, and thats an improvement over the last several months where I never go past bronze 10. Aint nothing easy about this game.

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It’s possible to reach Legend

You get better as you play naturally, but you have to be willing to go back and see how you won or why you lost. Mulligan is more important than one may think, for example.


Obviously it’s not impossible.

It was so hard for me to make it the 3 times I have.

Make sure you are playing a competitive deck.

depends on how your rng is set by the supreme blizzard algorithm, have you spent at least 100 dollars in the last month? Did you spend at least $1,000 in your last year of play? In these cases you have a chance to make a legend and I specify only a possibility not a certainty because then you also have to add an excellent deck and a remarkable ability

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