Legend, I must suck

For the first time ever, I made it to Legend…havent once a single match since (on day 2 now). I’ve tried Druid, Priest and DK with the new cards…I’m losing to Plat 5, my legend score has skyrocketed to 10527 omg I suck :roll_eyes:

i had that happen before, was legend 20000+. this season i can’t break plat 10 on my mage, just gave up. too busy anyway.

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I just lost to a Plat5 bot…still winless since hitting Legend. do I need to make a cookie cutter deck now? Or wait until next month? I’m playing the same deck I went on a 16-1 streak to hit Legend. How is this possible?

Sounds like a psychological problem rather than a gameplay problem. It reminds of the other poster saying they have 80% win rate on chicken 10 and lower later even though it’s now MMR based so they should be getting as hard opponents as they got at the end of the month even on chicken 10.

tl;dr: if you believe you will lose: you will most likely lose.

Streaks can happen. For example:

I’m willing to bet SOME - not necessarily ALL, but SOME - of those people you beat, while on your winning streak, were human players. Every dubs for you, is an L for your opponent. Right?

Do you want to win more than half the time? If yes, you need to pay attention to what wins, not just “in general” but also against other things that also win. I get it, the dream is to make a unique snowflake hyper original deck that nobody has ever thought about, and also have an awesome win streak. That’s a fantasy literally everyone who’s ever played a CCG has had at some point.

But it ain’t how it works in practice. It never has and it never will. If you want wins to be in the cards for you, you gotta play cards that win.

Streaks, or shifts in the meta, or tilt. Probably all 3 to varying degrees. Consider shaking it up a bit.

Yes but you missed to add the most important one. THE MMR! If you win a lot then by definition you get matched with players …who win a lot.

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This month amount of legends seem to be higher then before. I’ve went to legend 1700 on 7th day of the month and haven’t played competitive since then being busy in real life. Before I would’ve been around 3k but now I’m 5500. :slight_smile:

Will have to grind a bit to move back to higher position.

Btw, with 10k there’s almost nothing to be worried about anyway (just like mine 5.5 to be honest) so just relax and play some games thinking just of the wins and gameplay and not looking into the number even if you’d lose.

Is this what this dying card game forum has come to? Publicly admitting you’re bad at a children’s card game?


Post screenshot of your Legend 1

Post signs of your life going horribly.

Yeah, no.

Your presence here at all on these forums is sign enough of something being amiss in the world according to kewl. You hate this game and despise when people have fun with it, why are you even here?


It’s typical cognitive dissonance of rage quitters. They usually don’t really hate the game but their own self in the way they treat the game. A typical problem is many people get ADDICTED to a game; they can’t handle it consciously to avoid addiction; their method of coping is to run around the forums and announce to everyone they don’t have a problem but that game.