Just thought I’d share my deck because I am pretty proud of it. Used it to climb from D5 to legend 5000+, to legend 500 in fairly short order over a few days (after I got tired of memeing around at d5). Had about an 80% winrate to legend and about a 65% wr to 500. I don’t really care about climbing (was mostly farming the 1k wins portrait which I now got) but if I kept going I can see it getting close to 100 or so who knows (especially if someone better than me refines it more).
It’s really amusing to me that VS report several times now doesn’t even include a deck for DH. According to them the class is totally dead and useless and “you shouldn’t even bother” (they actually wrote that in the description the previous report). Needless to say I disagree and proved otherwise (feels really good lol).
If you played against me, congratulations, it’s probably the only DH you saw this season at a high rank. I haven’t seen a single other one but I did get a lot of “wow” emotes and friend requests wanting to talk about it lol (in a good way). You know you’re doing something right when losing players add you to compliment you and ask for the deck instead of hate on you.
Anyway here is my FelStrike deck - attack dh hybrid that I refined overtime. Very aggressive and lethal. Can finish games on t3-t4 or burst down opponents for 20+ damage even through taunts in the later game. Enjoy it for a few weeks until the rotation (maybe?)
Class: Demonhunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Haywire Module
1x (2) Power Module
2x (1) Acupuncture
2x (1) Battlefiend
2x (1) Burning Heart
2x (1) Headhunt
1x (1) Patches the Pilot
2x (1) Sock Puppet Slitherspear
2x (2) Chaos Strike
2x (2) Parched Desperado
2x (2) Quick Pick
2x (2) Sing-Along Buddy
2x (2) Spirit of the Team
2x (3) Hot Coals
2x (4) Glaivetar
1x (4) Going Down Swinging
1x (4) Kayn Sunfury
1x (4) Metamorphosis
1x (5) Aranna, Thrill Seeker
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
If Brian Kibler and his style of deck is indicative of what type of deck people play around 5k to 1k legend, I’m not surprised that this deck was as successful as it was.
Thanks . Not entirely sure what you mean as I don’t watch Kibler. On my climb the meme experimental decks stopped from about 4k legend. After that almost every opponent was one of the top decks on vs report. Endless zerg DKs, weapon rogues, and terran shaman/warrior.
edit: just checked the updated report and looks like hunter is doing very well there. I think I beat every hunter or close to it - one of the easier matchups.
Brian Kibler plays value-oriented midrange decks around 3k-4k legend. Your personal experience may vary, but I’m thinking 1k legend and up is probably a fair share of people playing whatever with a large bubble playing midrange. Although maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you highrolled a string of t3-t4 wins much like what people are trying to do with handbuff hunter.
Most games were won around T6-T7 with massive burst damage after they pushed me off the board. but I definitely had several T3 wins (on coin), with slitherspears (those guys can get really disgusting really quick).
Id probably put in pocket sand over headhunt… that potential quickdraw disruption for 1 extra mana is a lot more beneficial (in my mind) than the random 4/4. I also like including cult neophyte in my aggro decks but I’m not sure what you’d remove…although I’m not a fan of hot coals in the slightest.
I had pocket sand before and deck performed badly. I hated it in mulligan and hated drawing it when i didn’t want to use it. It was good before oracle nerf. The headhunt is good removal and face damage for cheap and you also fairly often can spam out double (2nd one free) Henchman guys on turn4-5 which is pretty strong actually. Sometimes even playing a single one was the goal when i didn’t have anything better to do on 4 - and that chipped in enough damage for later burst to take over.
Also yeah hot coals was a lot better when oracle was a good fit. But it’s still a cheap 3 aoe damage+face (proc with weapon, hero power, or acupuncture) to fight back against other swarmy decks (great against all the terran starship spam, and zerg dks). Can probably cut one as sometimes they were useless but having several sources of small aoe helped me out many times, to keep my early minions inplay long enough to get opponent down to burst range or retake board after a bad start (they can also kill little taunts or bypass the bigger ones for that little extra face burst).
I know this is a hilarious post but if it helps I like to buy the battlepass for the cosmetics and extra experience. I haven’t bought any packs (or anything else) since Goblin vs Gnomes (the 2nd? hearthstone expansion around ten years ago). I have like 80k dust saved up and can craft anything i want basically - used to infinite in arena to build “wealth”.
I started playing the game again last year after a several year break (when year whizbang rotation happened) and easily reached legend every month so thankfully I managed to spend enough for it to work!
Were you facing discover hunter (which is a midrange deck, albeit can generate a bunch of free taunts), or Grunter hunter which requires you to play weak minions?
Were you facing handbuff and just winning the face race?
I think all the hunter decks have unreliable healing/non-existent healing so you can definitely beat them to the punch.
Vast majority were discover handbuff hunters (buffing zerglings not the OTK). I haven’t seen a single OTK hunter or I killed them all before they could do anything while they sat there handbuffing lol
VS are overrated garbage. They try to homebrew some decks every new expansion and they’re always bad. It’s just a business trying to leech some sub money from their Stans.
It’s smarter to just go to d0nkey’s, and filter some stats on your own.
Making legend each month is literally the easiest thing they give you in this game. With a little time and barely any effort anyone can be legend by the end of the month.
If anyone recalls attempting to make Legend in the past, it is obvious that something has changed. These days, Legend rank is almost guaranteed each month.
I suspect the difficulty of piloting ‘good’ decks has gone down significantly, or my conspiratorical side would say Blizzard is manipulating the ladder progressions to keep their customers happy.
Honestly though, I fo not know, but I do know I now make Legend every month (since at least last September) and I seriously do not play, seriously at all.
And this was never the case in any of my years since 2014.
Not only that but now we only need 15 stars to legend instead of 25.
And they also changed the MMR to match against same MMR players instead of same rank players (so theoretically a newbie playing/grinding against other newbies has a comparable chance of reaching legend as a legend-level player grinding against other legend-level players). You can also tank your rating to have an easier climb I think. I’m not sure how all of this works exactly but that’s the theory at least. The ladder rank number doesn’t actually matter at this point - you could be in bronze playing against players already in diamond or legend etc and you won’t even know it if you have same mmr as them which is why they stopped showing opponents’ ladder ranks.
So basically over the decade Blizzard made FOUR changes that made reaching legend easier. I personally think it sucks and mostly trivialized it. Even if it was “too hard” when hearthstone came out (which perhaps is how it should have been), it is now certainly too easy.
It’s not because of decks or the ease of piloting them. Though anyone who played hearthstone for years and years should have also gotten better so that’s a bit of a factor too. But it is undeniably way easier now to reach legend.
I remember reading somewhere that in the first few years of hearthstone (before the changes) there was an average of <5,000 legend players per month. Now it’s close to 30,000.
If I could have it my way, i’d probably make the climb quite harder but also make it so that reaching it gets you a legendary card every month instead of just at extra pack.
I don’t think they’ve disclosed the actual ‘MMR’ shenanigans for traditional HS, but I suspect it’s total mess at best — in practice, that is, not in ‘theory’, which is probably just a bunch of big words and technobabble.
Repeating myself once again, but can’t be bothered to dig up the link to my older posts right now: when they actually revealed that ‘MMR’ to players, meaning Mercenaries in particular, its workings turned out to be a total shame. I could elaborate, but should I?
You’ve gotta be kidding, right?
Doing this for years is probably even worse for one’s brain than that proverbial TV-binging.
Neither of these was really an issue back in the day. The hardest part was going from the old Rank 5 to Legend, which is mechanically equivalent to D5-L nowadays (PS Unless you have 11 stars, but getting that is much harder than hitting the rank, so it’s not that important in terms of just reaching the L rank), except it used to be more stars (don’t remember how many, but counted in some of my older posts). That is the only (unless I’m forgetting something, but it’s unlikely) decisive factor in terms of ranking rules — not talking about other things like a big hoax (or conspiracy) called ‘MMR’, rigging, the game — and its players — getting dumber and so on.
Yeah, “We’re all equal, we’re all number one…” But that’s an old story, again (as said, can’t be bothered to dig up the relevant links to my older posts).