Latest vS Data Reaper #292

Well not really.
At that scenario you are the good player and the other isn’t. Now, it’s a matter of what the matchup looks like when both players are good.

It’s very much possible your piloting doesn’t relate to the way a person of that rank would play the deck.
Your personal experience shouldn’t cloud your judgement about this. But I guess these stats are of now, outdated, so who knows. Maybe you are right.


It’s ok my man, you have my respect. I’ve played decks you have posted and they actually do work. I consider you my resident Control player counterpart and actively enjoy your decks. Do you mind giving the list by the way? I’ve been eye balling Shaman as well and have seen some positive things. I see the potential, but I haven’t tried it myself yet.


This doesn’t apply for decks that aren’t presented in these reports.

I’m talking about playing «invisible» decks.


These are my favorite decks. No one sees them coming.

pun not intended, but it looks that way so…pun intended.


The answer is that people not want your secret weapons.

Before the patch i was Messing with a turbo Variant of rainbow mage(build to combo as fast as possible accepting any cost) using caricature artist and cutting Common stuff like inquisitive creation.

It is like the spaghetti rackets at tennis before their ban.
It is really dificult to have the first person believe you.
But after that it is like the world exploded.


As long as there are enough changes from the widely used variant I can understand that.


I can post it later after I get home.


I’ve been playing Cutlass Rogue, and I think it’s underplayed.


Based off of a previous post by sigtyr. I would say the control shaman deck in reference will have no problem with warriors. I have played with a similar deck makeup and it is easy to pilot against warriors.


Does it have like an OTK combo that makes the deck not play like regular HL Shaman? I can see it beating warrior then.

Otherwise, how many changes can really contribute to the stats being completely false.


Yes. Although it does not necessarily need the otk.


Yeah, it uses Hagatha, Shudderblock, and Wish Upon a Star x2. It’s a bit like BRnR Warrior from FOL except Shaman has WAY better control tools than Warrior did back then.

But Warrior had better minions for it (Trenchstalker, Remornia).


Talking about ‘invisible’ decks I think sites like this VS one have sort of ruined gaming.

Back in the day, at least for me about 75% of the fun of a game was exploring. These days with spoiler sites anyone can come in copy paste this and that, view all the datamined anything a game has to offer and it just sort of ruins things. Not just in hearthstone but practically any game.

Its probably 1/100 these days where someone encounters an off meta ‘invisible’ deck. Instead its just the same copy pasted deck you’ve faced 100 times already which just contributes to the game getting real stale real fast.

Obviously a lot of people like the spoiler sites and getting to the end as quick as possible but I think hearthstone would be a lot more fun if people couldnt just pop over to VS to get decks and stats and had to really think about the underlying conditions of the game rather than just some snap shot spreadsheet version of it.

With that said they really need to figure out something to do with warrior. Even after like 7 card nerfs the thing is still 1/4 of the games.

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All card games are like that, even if a site like HSReplay didn’t exist.

MTG, if you played with anyone other than a friend and were completely ignorant of what anyone else was doing outside of you and your friend, people played the equivalent of “net decks”.

You go to a tournament, that’s what is happening. You didn’t need the internet to find out what the best decks were. Word of mouth was enough.


Happy 10th anniversary of the Hearth Stone, everyone!
:call_me_hand: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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I understand that people share deck lists even outside the confines of a website… but the odds of playing 100 people and facing the same 3 decks over and over is probably a lot less without spoiler sites.

I understand its a problem that you cant solve, but outside of mabye an hour of a patch / card release no one experiments anymore. To me it just leads to the game getting really stale really fast.

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Happy 10th anniversary of the Hearth Stone, everyone!
:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :+1:

You are dealing with a predominantly mobile CCG in Hearthstone. Mobile players want the fast dopamine hit with whatever can get them there with the least amount of work or thought. Net decks serve that purpose and are not likely to go away sine the majority of HS players like it that way.

The trick as a creative player in HS is to build what you want to play and make it work. No matter what you see written on forums about skill. Anyone with a deeper understanding of the game and mechanics can win with pretty much anything. I just finished my main legend climb playing nothing but a convoluted Mech Warrior deck. A good 75% of the deck is using cards that see little or no play in Warrior. I had an idea and i refined it and made it work.


I confirm my stats agree with 60-40 Sludgelock vs Warrior

Makiahtime was obviously highrolling like noone before with his 22-1 score against them. His sample is much lower than mine.

My hunter stats disagree (63%) but the sample is 4 times lower than warrior one, and warrior one is the same in the report and in my data, so I’m inclined to believe the matchup is even and I highrolled a bit.

It still makes me sad to open matchups in top 1k and see the lack of data. They only registered 4 matchups for sludgelock. Apparently top 1k players don’t care about giving their data to VS.

How in the world did they put Sludgelock in tier 1 for top 1k if they lack data of most matchups???

I disagree with that, hardcore. No way the deck is tier 1. Not even 20% of warriors on the ladder make it tier 1 when your matchup against rogue and druid is even or slightly unfavorable.

But then again, they put shopper DH in tier 1 as well, so it’s clear they’ve been smoking some good weed.

Also, I LOVE their meta score! It’s literally the stats from my table, where you multiply winrate with popularity

The only difference is they used data from 25-30 and my data were 1-day data you found somewhere in between so the sample is much lower

I don’t have enough experience with VS data to conclude anything firmly, but I’d say Meta score of 97% calls for immediate balance (Warrior).

In overall, I’ve never been more satisfied with the report.

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