Last day before the rotation

Standard will change yet again. It always feels like an entirely new game when they do this, and of course in essence it is. There are so many cards that I will miss, however, new ones that I am looking forward to play.

I am going to miss Bran. However, when I think about all those blood dk’s that constantly use him to find more vampiric bloods and the Druids that use him with astalor… I’m happy he’s leaving :slight_smile:

I wish everyone else who’s also opening packs with gold tomorrow the best of luck.

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Yeh i cant wait i havent been this exited for an expansion in a long time i love the theme the art the designs everything tradeabe being evergreen the retun of zilliiiax with mechs get food heal turns vs aggro.
The music of the mage legendary spell - Infinitize the Maxitude = and its effect and the tune it plays and the tune when it goes back in his hand i already can see myself playing this deck for hours on end.

Yeh im glad bran is leaving too
Because there is so much aggro i look forward to making an ant meta control deck maxamising my wins i think control will be good even control shaman i see potential.

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I watched the Festival event thing on Twitch. And the EDM they used for Dj Manastrom was soooooooo GOOD!!!:slight_smile:

I also love Zilliax :slight_smile:

I love aggro decks. I myself use to love control decks. But as I was climbing, it made it seem so long, aggro you usually know by turn 6 if you’re going to win or lose and 6-7 per match is what I like :slight_smile: however, I still do love control decks, just not as much anymore.

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I prefer midrange aggro it can play aggresive and defensive also im a rogue main and some of them can be pretty fast at times.

But pure all out aggro for me is not interesting for me but i realise people like them and thats ok.
But also i want to add i actually love control decks that have a wincodition i love versatile decks the most because it means there are so many ways i can approach a game and win it and that is really interesting to me and thats why i think many people dont like aggro nothing wrong with playing aggro but its pretty straightforward most of the time.

Knowing that u lose turn 6 feels abit sad for me personaly it doesnt feel like ive played the game because its over before it started but thats just personal preference.

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Everyone excited for the new rng? Tomorrow we will all be casting new random spells and summoning new random minions!