Lamplighters are giving me Hunter PTSD

Hi there, who design this card ?
It was highly predictable that a battlecry that can be powerful would be abused by shadow step Rogue, how the dev cannot think of that…

The new ele!mental Rogue remind me of Shockspitter Hunter (before he got nerf) and I hate that.

(And there is also the decks Druid/Warrior with the Zilliax reborn taunt elusive, but I understand for this one, the dev cannot predict it would be strong because of the many option zilliax can offer… I don’t now what they are waiting for the nerf tho)


so what i’m reading is that there’s a problem with Shadowstep? I agree.

How do you know the dev didn’t think of that?

You really think the one who gave warrior Hydration Station didn’t think people will use it to make an army of Unkilliaxes?

They are probably waiting for their sales campaign to end.

For your first question, well there is not a lot of counter play against it (dirty rat but against that archetype, well good luck to target one of many elemental in hand) and has I said, there was a card name “Shockspitter” that do almost the same and it got nerf because it wasn’t interactive.
So this Rogue shouldn’t have see the light, maybe they should give Lamplighter Elusive so shadow step couldn’t be use on it…

For the second question, I wasn’t ironic so I would say no, but once again I don’t know how they test their cards but Zilliax seem to be a pain in the a** in testing.

not sure it doesnt look like is as good as pirate DH

Shadowstep was good when it was used on a 3 mana 3/3 card with Combo: deal 2 damage

I can only imagine how good it is today

Druid is the hearthstone class, the warrior was lucky to win the druid tourist! You have to ban Ziallax from standard mode, the same way you did with the druid’s 2-mana dragon! Knowing the management of this game, if it’s something BROKEN from the Warrior/Druid then it will be allowed! Turist de mage is rubbish, who was the idiot who created this rubbish? He needs to be fired from Blizzard.

I remember your comments about the class that receives the most garbage in the form of cards: mage! I arrived at Legend with the only class in the game: the Druid.

I think that lamp card should reset it’s counter when brought back to hand. So it goes back to 1 turn elemental played. Instead of hitting 6-8 in the face over and over.

this card just need buff “elusive buff” and rogue cant target that minion and ıts a still buff for the other classes