Lamplighter pissing me off. Fix it blizzard

Blizzard do your job and and fix lamplighter, it’s a bs card, make it so it only targets minions OR increases damage done by every TWO elementals you play instead of every one elemental.

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If it’s pissing you off now, I wonder how pissed off you were last week.

I was expecting a nerf, logical considering EVERY ONE including the dev team knew this card was broken. So the reason I’m more annoyed now is because the Dev team trolled us. 3mana to 4mana has had zero impact. We all knew this so i can’t fathom how the dev team could be so out of touch with design they thought a 1 mana cost increase would balance this op card. Now we got this Shiite for another 3 weeks and that’s only if they have the brains to actually fix the damn thing otherwise we got it for the whole expansion… Which I would put it past them seeing as they have a nack for letting cards like this ruin the game

Its very overpowered at 4 mana

Lmao! They JUST nerfed it. You think this is a problem? What about the druids destroying ladder and hearthstone right now. Get real dude

Wanna know why? Because the devs are teenagers who love solitaire decks and being able to cheat out cards and kill you turn 5. This is the devs vision of hearthstone . It’ll just get worse this is just the beginning

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I agree lamplighter’s “nerf” is meaningless but come on, dude. “The beginning” of what, exactly? Where do you think “2025 hearthstone” is headed due exclusively to this particular non-nerf in 2024, that it wasn’t already free-falling towards for the past several years?

How are duids destroying ladder when 4 ither classes and decks have simular win rates. If not better? Sounds like a get gud issue.

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There are several reasons why multiple decks from multiple classes could all simultaneously have “similar” win rates:

  1. Equal access to Power Discrepancy / Power Creep (A > B therefore anything running A has innate higher odds to win)

  2. RNG (2 people both run A, but player 1 draws it first, therefore they win)

  3. Popularity (For any reason or even no reason, sometimes Class X just gets played more than Class Y, even though both have access to card A and similar reliability to play it consistently in any given match)

  4. Free Will / Player Choice (I might have several decks that have Card A, but I might CHOOSE to run card B instead, for any reason, or no reason at all. Therefore my opponents, if they run A over B, will win more often vs me)

  5. Diverse / Large Sample Size (despite popular opinion on these forums, HS is NOT “dying” and is ACTUALLY making tons of money - the odds of you facing a “repeat” player within 10 or so matches, are incredibly low in most formats during most play times in most regions.)

  6. Data Parsing / Aggregation errors (might be that someone dyslexia’d the numbers and Class X only has a 16% win rate instead of 61%, or might be that the algo collecting the data only recorded 10 matches last night instead of 10,000 therefore the results are inaccurate therefore interpretations are inaccurate)

Bottom line though is that it’s very easy to come up with a situation where TONS of things all appear to have weirdly similar win rates.

I never encountered this card before patch but I guess it was nerfed and now I’m seeing it a lot. It does seem powerful and thats after a nerf? I’m 72% against mages though so not an issue for me…so far

The nerf was meaningless to anyone “correctly” piloting the meta decks that used Lamp. Not to imply that it’s terribly difficult to use the decks or Lamp; you’re literally just curvestoning an aggro tribal with a few from-hand nukes sprinkled in.

But if you really think about it, the only times anyone unironically played Lamp on 3 were when one of the following 2 scenarios were true, exhaustive:

  1. Their opponent’s face was already within 4 damage.

  2. Their opponent dropped a threat that they just HAD to answer.

That’s it. Either you’re “winning more” or you’re deathly afraid of that 2/3 drop. Maybe it’s a mirror match and they played that pumper elemental? Maybe they’re warrior and they played that totem thing, and you didn’t draw one of your 12 other answers for it? idk, but it could theoretically happen.

Bumping Lamp to 4 mana does literally nothing to the vast majority of use cases. It makes some end-game bounce-combos with it clunkier, but by that point your opponent had 10 other turns to get THEIR wombo-combo off the ground. That’s not “you winning” that’s “them losing” at that point.

Before they could play it 3 times at 5 mana. Now in order to play it 3 times in 1 turn you need 8 mana. That’s a big difference.

In theory, sure.

In practice, though? I’d be interested to see some hard data on exactly how many losses people have suffered specifically from their opponents playing lamp x 3 within one single turn. Most of the games I play either with or against Lamp, are mages. And most of those games are decided around turn 5 without triple lamp juggling being even remotely necessary.

I’m not saying it never happened. I’m just saying my empirical experiences have been remote regarding this context. Does anyone have any data on this?

Elemental mage isn’t a thing in top 1K legend. That deck was mediocre even before the nerf. Post nerf it’s probably very easily beatable.

Does HS get balance changes exclusively based on top 1k legends?