Ladder = Make most OP deck

Ok so I hit Legend last season with Paladin (made a few other decks but I don’t like control games, don’t want to sit for 20mins every game). But my thoughts on ladder are basically do this.

Net deck the best deck you can, make it and just basically brute force your way to Legend where you can then play whatever ya want.

The design sucks, it really just depends on what Blizzard nerf or buff.

Also I’m seeing a whole load of Death Knights who seem to just have auto pilot decks. I just don’t get how this game is not play tested enough and overpowered decks exist for a week while Blizzard do nothing.

Seriously, if you want to rank up for rewards hsreplay, make the highest win rate deck and just play it. You will enjoy yourself a lot more and when you hit legend you can spend your time making fun decks :+1:


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I already do this, no legend required

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thats what real casual players do and we never make apost to complain whenever we lose to a competitive deck …like other posters ive seen here and on reddit

Yes, and that is the problem with the game… you need to make OP deck to reach Legend… OP should not even exist. After reached Legend last month… I don’t even care about it anymore… +1 bonus star meant nothing… I usually reach D5 in 5-7 days… this month made it in 3 days and got +1 pack… thats all… But Legend does not help you to reach it again… only if you could make it to top 500 (if I am not mistaken… this is when you get 11 bonus stars) and that is only for no life… no thanks… I don’t have time for that… I have a full time job and family…

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I mean…you don’t have to get legend to play fun decks

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I offer an alternative way. I reached legend last mont and i even hit legend this month.
I wasn’t even trying, its just happened.
And fun part? I dont play meta decks. I make a lot of decks and i play whatever i feel like.
The only thing i never do is playing the most OP bs the meta can afford.
I never touched Sif, even when i played a 40 card mage excavation deck or never touched odyn when playing control warrior.

My fav class is paladin, as i started with it way back when. But i dont play this aggro bs either. Only HL or some Pure stuff, but without the OP stuff.

So what am i trying to say, dont grind. If you reach legend or not. Dosent matter. Well if you playing for the end month reward it matters, but still, play the deck you like even if its not meta.

Recently i played against a blood DK with my control excavation mage. It fus fun. It lasted a long time, we both made great plays. Obviously he didn’t know i didn’t play sif, so he was trying to gain as much health as possible. The win came down to the last card and to fatigue.
I was gona lose, but he has Prioson on board, and i guess he had fun to, bc he activated, despite being one draw away from fatigue death.

I know lot of ppl dont like long games, but when it happens its so much fun.

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Except to make posts complaining about other people making observations about the game. Because pro company posters do THAT all the time.

But it does, and that’s where the game is, where they’ll continue taking the game, and run it right into the ground.

Be happy you got legend lol. I couldn’t get out of platinum my first two seasons and this season I’m stuck on gold. I literally gave up on ranked and play Mercenaries/Battlegrounds.

Meanwhile I just crushed a 64 person MTG tournament with a deck I only invested like $30 in and took home $500.

Hearthstone is a card game to sit and play on your lunch or toilet break at work. It’s not one to take seriously at this point.

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