Lack of female hero skins

Female player here. Just reached level 100 on the rewards track, was looking forward to choosing a new hero skin. Pretty disappointed that from the 20 options to choose from, only two were female - and I already own both of them. When playing (ranked, high platinum/low diamond) the ratio male/female of opponents’ heros is much higher than 1:10, so this reward doesn’t really represent players’ preferences. Also in the shop options for female skins are very limited. I don’t mind paying for them but I’d really like to have some more choices!


The heroes in the shop change every time. There are plenty amount of female heroes to collect.

Don’t bring up the ratio numbers. It’s like you would like the bring (more) woke into Hearthstone. Please stop, this isn’t Disney.


There are other female skins through the shop, but you are correct the ratio isn’t really close. After all if you look at the base game without the skins the heroes were mostly male to begin with. A great deal of the skins are based on the original hero portraits. I would love to see them create a lot more female based skins also.

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A player wanting more diversity in a game won’t make it “woke”. Disney isn’t even woke either, they’re afraid of everything because they will lose money from people like you.


Looks like you are the only one complaining about rations and disney.

Male player here and I’d absolutely love to have more female hero options too.


I think the hero skins available by completing the rewards track are variations on the default characters.

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So female skins are “woke” according to you? SMH

I’m not sure what I can say about that without getting in trouble with the mods. So I won’t say any more.


I’ve never said female skins are woke. But complaining about the options and the ratio male:female heroes is woke. All the characters are based on Warcraft lore.

And everyone knows that the lore had to be changed because of woke. It started with text in cinematics that they altered. If you don’t get what I mean, it’s exactly what Garrosh used to say. Then they went for more female and gender neutral characters, even tho it’s a fictional world, with fictional heroes. Who cares what colors orcs are right? Or what gender a dragon has…

It’s just a freakin’ hero skin it. It doesn’t bother me if it’s male or female. I play both. I just don’t complain about the fact that there are too few axe wielding heroes. Oh I want more Axes. See? It’s stupid.


Half the warlock portraits are female. The main Rogue hero and Mage hero are also female. Each class has a large variety of female characters to choose from. Could they add more? yes. Let’s not pretend they don’t make female portraits though when there are plenty to choose from.

As far as the reward track goes, yes they could probably add in some more choices.

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No more Rexxar hero skins. Make them all pre-undeath Sylvanas. Rexxar’s lame.

That doesn’t fix the ratio all the way, but to be honest I don’t actually care about the ratio, I just don’t like Rexxar as a character.

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Is literally just one a “large variety” now?

(Okay rogue actually has two)

I mean, if you don’t care just say you don’t care, no need to lie about it

No not really. I don’t see how wanting axe wielders is invalid.


I started maining DH recently, and imagine how frustrating it is…it has women portraits but they are unavialble to buy anyway
They should just make most of hero skins to be availabe to buy at any time without waitinf for the shop to update and MAYBE you find there a skin u want
I dont like playing illidan, needless to say male heroes


It depends on the character class, honestly. Bliz tends to focus Hero Skin choices around a small bunch of characters, each of which receive a lot of skins.

If you play Paladin, there’s a mountain of nice Liadrin skins available, if you play Rogue, there’s a mountain of nice Valeera skins available, if you play Mage, there’s a ton of nice Jaina skins, and if you play Priest, you can get a lot of good Tyrande skins. Warrior has fewer, with a few really good Annhylde ones, etc.

Some of these skins are as good as it gets – Archmage Jaina, Diao Chan Valeera, Deputy Liadrin and Kyrian Tyrande, for example.

But yeah, I agree, some classes are really low on quality gal skins. Or, the gal is a Centaur or a living female tree.

As I suggested a while ago, they could reunite Darion Mograine (who has a hero skin) with his fellow Horsemen, one of which is Sally Whitemane. She has two Priest skins, but she IS currently a Death Knight, and I mean there’s no cuter Death Knight in all of WoW. Death Knight players would probably be happy about this.

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