Knew worlock "I WIN" deck can't be defeated

what were the devs thinking?
by tun one they have 3 cards out that can hit you with 4 or 5 damage.
by turn 2 they have 4 cards that can hit you wih 12 damage.
by turn 3 they have the entire board covered almost.
by turn 4 the board is covered, and they are hitting you for almost 30 damage.
What card do I need in my deck to defeat this?

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this team can’t balance this game to save their lives and union going shield them. this is really frustrating for allow this to continue.


What the hell are you talking about?

If you are new player it will be to difficult to explain to you.
Seasoned players that play a lot will know.


The game is full of bullsh!t cards rn, I can die in 5 turns easily. Idk what the designers thinking but whoever designed lamplighter and seabreeze chalice are SO bad at balancing cards.
There’s no way to survive from elemental Rogue and seabreeze chalice+concierge Druid, I saw someone using lamplighter doing 60+ damage a turn, their otk is super easy and high damage. The only way to counter them is to kill them fast

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You might as well play wild decks if the game is over by turn 5.

How about you start posting an HSreply link of the matches you seem to be constatnly complaining about so that others can help you make some changes to be able to overcome the challenges you are facing.

These decks are not impossilbe to beat. Change your minset and be open suggestions and making changes and you will start to see different outcomes in your matches.

Exodia? Exodia defeats everything. Just look to make ALL your deck with each card like the 5 pieces of exodia. I think That’s how Hearthstone works. :thinking:

They have gotten zero new players in the last 4 years, and they are scratching their heads as to why. Maybe they should make the game playable again.

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another DEI nonsense which will bite them in the end.

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The forums do not allow me to post the link.
I tried.
Nothing I can do aboiut it.

Yes the forums do allow you to post the link. As I’ve mentioned several times to you now…

` which is the key next to the 1 on your keybaord in the upper left hand corner. Type that before and after the link…

like-so-exmaple.commmmm and Vola, the link appears. see.


I posted it but the forums deleted it.

You posted it on a different thread that you had. I respnded and asked some questions about the deck and what not. Take a gander at it and let let me know.

yes, somehow I clicked the wrong thread and got confused.

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welcome to heartstone, game of luck and rng. some games are set to give you a loss right from the beginning. either play to enjoy otk decks or just quit. don´t expect to become a “Pro” because there is no such thing in this game.

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yep, build a good wild deck and itll last. right now sea breeze druid is god mode in standard. in wild, it’s not.

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Wild decks do last longer. I always felt if you are going to spend money might as well build a wild deck. In the end you probably save more.

uh a warlock deck with charge minions on turn 1?? you must be lying

Madam, are you an EFL or ESL? You are not reading things correctly.
Re-read. Use a better translate if you are ESL.

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