I can’t put the first part before it because the forums do not allow links.
but the first par is the same on all HSreplays
I have told like 3 times in the day how to do it.
The ` button which is right next to your 1 button in the upper left hand corner.
Place ` before and after the link and it will prevent the forum as seeing it as a hyerlink and it will post.
So copy a reply https://hsreplay.net/replay/dDCNXviyivarrM996sGeyZ
ok I will try to see if it works.
So you also have to keep in mind that your running a control deck vs an aggro deck in this match up. You have a fair amount of heavy cost cards, so your ability to respond to this paladin early is difficult. So it’s rather slow when in its ability to respond to a hyper aggro deck.
I also see that your not running a viper or an oze that would have destroyed his weapon. Having one of these cards in your deck or both as a lot of decks run multiple weapons can be very handy.
Having zola, manic soul caster, and body wrapper feels like overkill and redundant. Which cards would you be trying to copy with those? zola is a keeper for sure. But I’d probably get rid of Body wrapper and replace it with someone that is going to allow you to maintain a level of control on the board like frost nova. I also just noticed you have baneful banker.
This feels like a meme Highlander deck because there does not seem to be a lot of flexibility. You’re also not running counterspell… are you trying to mill your opponent?
For example counter spell is a 3 spell and would have countered his spell on turn 6 if you had it in play. And a viper or oze would have the ability to destroy his weapon early.
What rank do you play in btw? I’m going run the deck for a few matches and see how it feels and can give you some idea’s if you like.
What’s your win rate with this deck?
Not going to lie… your deck is super slow. Aggro destroys it.
If a deck could be everything everywhere all the time all at once, you would have a point
I’m sorry could you elaberate? What is the point that you are trying to contest? I never made any mention about a deck being everything everywhere all the same time.
To be honest that sounds like a sequel to the movie, but anyhow.
But seriously you need to be more specific becuase I don’t think you understand what I wrote based on what you just said.
It was a generalized reply to most everything you said in the comment of yours that I replied to. You criticize and try to poke holes and etc when the reality is no deck can be everything everywhere all the time all at once.
For example,
You write this. But it is a fantasy. For one, to add a card means a card must be subtracted. For two, there is little to no guarantee you would draw the card you need. And even if you did, there is little to no guarantee you’d draw it when you actually need it. Even further there is little to no guarantee that such foresight or tech would have swayed the match in a meaningful way. Do you see now?
You are taking it the wrong way. He posted a reply against the Paladin deck. Asking for advice…
So I looked at the replay he posted and gave him some feedback. However, at the same time I asked addiional questions to get a better understand on he plays the deck to win. This a highlander mage, but it’s seem s like a verry meme deck, and meme decks are not consistent when climbing the ladder, espeically when you are facing a lot of aggro decks. There are plenty of ways to improve a deck, however, If he’s trying to play it a certain way, than it could change what cards are swapped.
I’m not being negative at all, I’m trying to actually help. I even tried the deck to get a feel for it and I got destroyed every time because every deck was aggro. Maybe it’s because I play in legend, and that’s what I Normally face, however this deck is certainly not a climbing deck.
The reality is, if you want to climb, espiecally in wild, aggro is going to get you where you want to go much faster than a control deck. Not saying control decks are bad but control decks are genearlly stronger in late game vs aggro which shines in early game.
Unfortunatley that’s one of the downsides to highlander decks, you only have 1 copy. And when you are playing a control deck, you certainly do not want to give you opponet card draw if they are aggro. Your shooting yourself in the foot when you do that.
What rank do you play in SuperCuddles?