King Mukla banana's

I see in search that someone suggested that King Mukla bananas only go to the player, I like that everyone gets in the action. BUT, the player should get at least a 2/2 beside another either 1/1 or 2/2 banana for running the hero. Make it worth the person’s advantage (and it provides some thought of using the bananas for other players). Hero’s are supposed to be your advantage, so give them between the two bananas 3/3 or 4/4.

I use King Mukla as a finisher or to remove a fat taunt.

But he is especially useful when your opponent is low on cards. If you time it right, they will mill their next card draw. If they don’t have any minions on board or in hand, they have no choice but to either buff your minions, use whatever cards they have, or watch their cards burn.

I run King Mukla in my Breakfast Hunter. If I can get them discounted, I can play them a couple turns in a row, effectively milling my opponent while setting up my own lethals.

However, it is a battlecry effect so rezzing Mukla with Stranglethorn Heart does not give bananas.

I think they mean BGs King Mukla.