Just picked back HS again lately, and WTF happened to it?

Every game just about at the start in Wild ‘Ah, I see you brought guests.’ The mech that you can customize. The Reno hero. Purified Dragon’s Nest. The first two I mentioned are nowhere near as oppressive as the last two, but they are both ‘Feels Bad Man’ cards.

The Reno Hero is basically a ‘**** you, I win’ card. There’s no chance of winning against it if played correctly. If it cleared the board for both when played and just limited your opponent on the next turn while you could play out, it would be balanced.

Also, the amount of times I’ve seen infinites or game winning combos hit is insane. Be it a mage who just loads up on armor and freezes you and your minions constantly and wins via fatigue or the paladin who does next to nothing the whole game just to hit DK Uther four horseman in one turn for the win, it’s just zero fun to play against.

In fact, I think when HS first started a dev they said they wanted to avoid situations like that because it was no fun to play against.

Idk, I’m just ranting. I remember people getting pissed off at hunter and calling for nerfs on Unleash the Hounds due to that card being OP. And who could forget the uproar that the Grim Patron combo caused?


Thing is, Unleash and Grim Patron were at least somewhat skillful cards (especially patron). An opponent could play around Unleash, and Unleash lets face it, is on average a conditional 3 mana for 2-3 1/1s with charge, which in today’s game is laughably bad. So even though people may have complained about Unleash or Patron or whatever else, they were far more palatable and skill/choice intensive than cards today

Clown fiesta stone with next to zero skill expression. Leave your brain at the door when you queue up for standard now because next to none of your decisions mean much with how rampant card generation and discover are, the game is pure trash atm

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Same thing that has been happening to it for YEARS… Bad cards and a Dev team that ONLY cares about making MONEY not fun.

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The horsey paladin one click win is crazy.
There is no game play.
One of the worst I WIN cards out there.