Just nerf Open the waygate quest!

Dont let Mages recast Take an extra turn Blizz.

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Yes. It should be like the new Priest dragon: Once per game. Too powerful and toxic to repeat extra turns.

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Increasing the mana cost maybe could be a compromise (7-8?) regarding the recast the card itself should not be Arcane, otherwise, against a proper aggro this Mage is almost useless, even better when you hold the coin, he “must” skip the first turn for playing the Quest. Idk :man_shrugging:t2: I don’t have feelings about this card :smile:

I never played with it in standard, but in wild its annoying fs…

I like the Once Per Game mechanic, many cards should have this, shudderwock for example.

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Agree. Shudderwock just starts an endless chain just like take an extra turn for mage

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They just need to unnerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The only reason the turns version is overplayed is because the Exodia version was killed and the giants version is too unreliable.

the giants version kills me more than the turns version, usually their hand fills from too many infinitize the maxitudes and they can’t get the copy from potion of illusion copy going off or they kill rommath with random spells going off when they summon him before he gets copied.