Not too much to do on ranked after hitting legend so I’m just playing BGs these days
Ik my "R"NG sucks in Ranked and sometimes even in BGs but what I’ve seen in my last match was awesome
Already had a full board, tavern 6 and a few big minions by turn 5 (Yes, I’m that good)
Spent a few turns doing x10 dmg to the lobby because damage limit was reduced to x10 till turn 8 and after that I lost every match to the worst rng possible, so bad I can’t even describe it, it was obviously rigged and there’s no way to convince me it wasn’t
What do you guys think will be their excuse?
Press X for doubt.
You lost a game… because randomness helped someone win. Just like it randomly helps you win sometimes.
What excuse can they have against someone miffed that they got killed by RNG? I am sure at least five people will jump me on this - but grow up. It’s a game. You are going to lose sometimes. Suck it up or stop playing.
Anomalies are a thing
They told me to record evidence and send it to a WoW related link, I definitely didn’t expect that
Losing sometimes makes sense, being so good you don’t even lose to regular bad RNG is something else, and this is where I am
I only lose to insane highrolls
They do that all the time.
Especially in Arena too. I mean they even said they “step in” if a player has a win rate higher than the “normal” by “balancing” the odds.
…Aka scripted outcome.