I've never had so much gold for a new set!

  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
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12730 and I only plan on buying 25 packs, so that leaves me with 10k after tomorrow.

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This is the biggest list of projected behavior that I have seen online. Also, good job derailing this thread. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Well, if I had the questioned answered from the get go, it wouldn’t have even gotten this far.

Perhaps you should lay off and stop harassing people?

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…but its ok for me to be harassed? Yeah ok man, no worries. I don’t see the logic, but I guess I’ll have to roll with it.

He wasn’t actually referring to you. All he was saying is that without sufficient gold or money, it’s hard to be a new player in Hearthstone. Even returning players like me are having a hard time. I ended up buying the Mega Bundle because I was so behind. Don’t have any gold saved.

Really? Who’s ‘you’ then?

No he doesn’t, he is literally calling me fodder, (i.e. - trash, a bad player). why else would he say he would quit the game if he was in MY situation?

I’m not having a hard time at all. All I wanted to know is how much gold could you save up in 4 months. That’s it. Who claimed and where was it said I was having a hard time or insinuated I was new?

Not I.

It seems that you’re trolling at this point. Anybody who went to college would know that by “you” what is meant is “one”. Basically, you were a theoretically new player. The fact that you are not makes no difference to the argument because it was never about you. It’s about the requirements to keep up either in gold or cash.

just because I’m right and you hate it doesn’t make me a troll. I can’t change what was written.

No, ‘you’ was said because he was talking SPECIFICALLY to me.


used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
“are you listening?”

That’s not college, that’s preschool.

So why did you bring it up then?

You literally made a point about new and returning players, but now all of a sudden it makes no difference? You’re kidding me. Do you understand what a redundant statement or moot point means?

He made it about me by insinuating something I wasn’t. That’s why he used the word ‘you’, at me, SPECIFICALLY.


used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
“are you listening?”

I’m speaking of my engagement with MetalX, not the thread.

You need professional help. Meanwhile, reported.

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Thanks for proving I’m right. No refute, straight to the good 'ol ‘you’re a troll!’. Perfect. I bet you never read a single word of that post either.

Report away, I have more accounts to post on if I want but I’ll be too busy playing with the new cards 7 hours anyway that I won’t need the forums.

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There were more special events and 200 gold quests.

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What’s Your average score in arena?

wow, difford, metalIX and bluefin have 9th degree black belts in thread derailment.

You should not have fully engaged him, especially after you saw what he did with me. All you and I have done is pad his post count.

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I think you are right. Will learn to avoid trolls in the future. Pretty excited about the new expansion though. Good luck in your pack openings.

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My average score is 5,5 wins. I once went 7+ average in a season (period of a month). Arena skills keep improving by experience. Start playing it and don’t look back. Your results will only get better and better.

tip: Play Priest, it’s by far the strongest class in Arena right now. When not offered play Shaman, Warlock, Druid or Warrior.

Don’t play Hunter Paladin or Rogue in current Arena. Mage is a little below average but ppl tend to love playing it. Everything that is fun to you is a good thing of course,

@Esthirel You do realize that this thread is 3 months old right?

since this thread is still active, lets stay on topic.

New year’s event was good. I have 5300 gold and 18k dust. I should have avout 7700 gold by yhe next set.