I've climbed to high legend multiple times.. here's a tip

Whether you’re trying to hit Legend for the first time or you’re climbing IN Legend, knowing when to stop playing for the day will help you climb in the long run.

We all know the matchmaking algorithm is set to give you bad match-ups if you’ve been winning too much.

This is by design, their target is to ‘tip’ everyone towards a ~50% wr.

If you’re on a good win streak and you made progress, just shut Hearthstone off on a good note and resume the next day.

It’s highly likely that if you continue to play… variance and matchmaking algorithms will kick in and you will lose said progress.

This is why sometimes it feels like you’re taking 10 steps forward and 10 steps back.

Also, you will play worse when you are tired/tilted so this is another reason to learn when to stop playing.

Anecdotal? You be the judge.

If you notice, all the high level streamers know when to stop playing… :wink:


Then why is Gaby top 10 Legend in 3 different servers ?

Pretty sure he was double or triple #1 at some point.

This is laughable when someone claims he is a good player but says the matchmaking is rigged.



I’m so good the matchmaking can’t keep me down!


Players like Gaby are an outlier, not the rule.

You’re talking about .0001% of the player-base who is very familiar with his particular rank bracket.

High legend is much narrower than the rest of the ladder and therefore much easier to tech against.

If you’re familiar with it, it’s actually easier than the rest of ladder. I know because I’ve been in top 10 before.

Also please stop throwing around someone else’s name to prove your point. In my experience, the only people who throw around someone else’s achievements are those whose own credentials don’t suffice.

Yeah that is not what I said.

ßƐƐ seems to think I’m claiming ‘match making is rigged’ in some kind of conspiracy theory sense when really I’m just saying what Blizzard themselves have already said.

It IS rigged by design to a degree. That is not a myth, it’s been proven. I just posted the blue post that said it.

However, it’s not rigged in the sense ‘Oh I’m stuck in low rank only because of matchmaking’ so don’t twist my words.


It’s as rigged as any matchmaking is. The Blue post is not implying the System tries to make you lose tô get to 50% like your post does. And like your post says, If the matchmaking does that, you’re implying yourself above It.

The matchmaking gets you to 50% winrate by matching you against better opponents by MMR. Logging off or not has no impact in it


And this is why I mentioned the ‘anecdotal part’ (as far as logging off to avoid bad times for queuing) so you don’t have to believe what I’m saying if you don’t want.

Common sense dictates that less players play at different times for different regions.

Less players mean a smaller pool so in my experience, it is very likely to have an effect on your matchmaking to a degree.

On this front, it’s just my experience which you don’t have to believe but other people can take it or leave it.

The point of the thread is to help player’s who want to be helped… not explain myself to the ‘anti-conspiracy coalition’.

I hope it is clear.


You said the system gives you bad match-ups if you’ve been winning too much when it’s ‘‘supposed to be’’ random.

You are implying that even if you win 5 bad matchups in a row, the system will do everything it can to stop your winning streak by giving you bad matchups instead of RANDOM opponents.

How is that not the definition of rigged matchmaking ? To purposely giving you bad matchups to keep you close to 50% because you win too much instead of giving a random opponent.

It’s pretty obvious that blue-post has nothing to do with what you suggested.
The more you win in any matchmaking system, the better your opponents will be and the closer to 50% you should be.

For example, if I play against silver players I will have close to 95% winrate whereas it would be much closer to 50% in high legend. If has nothing to do with the algorithm rigging you into having bad matchups. Your opponents will be better therefore it should be harder to win games.


I am not on par with the Legend players on this forum but my views/feels as below.

If you are on a good streak, ride on it.
If you feel tired or approaching a bad streak, stop.

The key essence of the message.


You really do say too much about yourself. As the other poster was saying in another thread, you should really consider taking a break. For your own mental health. Peace.

This guy is a liar and probably never hit legend just likes to post on the forums.

OP pics or it didn’t happen. Doubt you hit ‘high legend’

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Nice tinfoil hat topic. Confirmation bias in it’s best purest form. If you run good tier deck (or average (or even garbage tier but with clear gameplan) but you’re good (know every deck you face by experience of playing them)) there is a very low chance that you will not progress (doesn’t matter if you’re bronze or legend rank). That is a statement I’m sure of. I play this game for years and this is my experience.

In my experience, I win more when my 4yo has eaten all of his broccoli. Last week he wasn’t feeling well and only ate a few bits of chicken, and after his bath I went on a 7 game losing streak.

Now I know google listens to our conversations and I was urging him to eat his broccoli that evening. Blizzard has some very good developers, and good developers can also hack systems, so blizzard can hack google.

Based on other posts here on this very topic, I’ve learnt that if something is remotely possible then it’s true, so that is all the proof true believers need.

Make your kids eat their broccoli if you want to win.


‘Sniveling little condescension’ describes the toxic forum brigade that frequents my post to troll.

Kind of like what you’re doing right now.

Forgive me if I’m a little less than friendly to the negative word vomit spewed on many of my threads by said forum brigade.

I’m actually very nice to anyone who doesn’t flame or derail my threads. If the post bothers you that much, don’t read it.

Better yet, maybe take a break from the forums if other people’s opinions trigger you that much.

I don’t care if people disagree but a pretentious tone tends to get returned to them in kind, if you can’t take it then don’t dish it out champ.

Well you were the once who asked.


Here’s one of my accounts in top 100 Legend. My main account has been in top 10 before…

I just don’t tryhard anymore because the game isn’t as fun as it used to be. Guess I’m not the one who looks silly now huh.


I think you’ll need to supply a picture of yourself before we can determine whether or not you look silly.


The point is, what is this algorithm that you tin-foil hatters think exists?

How, from a logical standpoint, would it even work?

You honestly think, that Bli$$ard, is employing people to to run never-ending meta updates into some matchmaking algorithm, that reads your deck list and matches it to always-evolving meta data, then has to calculate your “deserved” match to either give you a statistical boost or handicap, WHILE calculating the same for all possible opponents?

Why would they need to do that when random chance accomplishes the same thing?
They do NOT give a hoot whether some random individuals go 30-2 with some meme deck and wind up in legend.


Your experience of going on losing streaks after winning does not “confirm” the existence of some magical AI that tries to force you to lose.

The rock -paper-scissors nature of this card game does it by itself, combined with statistical significance of your non-existent sample size versus that of the population.
No one person could ever play long enough to reflect the population at large. Its normal to experience a 65%+ win rate yourself, even though a deck’s global rate is only 53%.

Every deck posting site claims their meme jank went 65%+. It’s not that they’re lying. It’s that 65% of 10-20 matches is not significant.

Flip a coin enough times and you’ll get a 50/50 result. Flip it only 50 times and you’ll start to make conspiracy theories that gravity forced you to flip heads because you went tails too many times .

With a large enough population, we have every possible result. There are people who take quest priest to Legend with 75% wins, and people using Ele Shaman going on 10 game losing streaks.

The only algorithm that makes sense, as people point out, is taking your MMR and matching you appropriately. The more you continue winning, the more skilled your opponents will be. You MAY still rock your scissor opponents, no matter how skilled, for a time. But eventually random chance will match you with a deck that counters yours, followed by decks that are 50/50, but against higher-rated opponents, giving them the edge against you. Until your MMR self-regulates again.


Thank you, worth the wait.

There’s no such thing as pure random chance when it comes to matchmaking.

How do you explain why, after winning some games, you get a string of perfect counters to your deck?

Very niche decks that just happen to counter your deck card for card?

It’s because of the matchmaking system. It’s designed that way, I literally posted a blue post saying as much.

That is not coincidence or random chance. That is the system working as intended, it’s programmed to function like that.

The devs aren’t monitoring all the games and physically doing that for every player… that’s ludicrous.

The system does that for them to ensure more balanced matchmaking. Please read all of Kerfuffles post. and let’s get off this topic… it was never the point of the original post.


Quoting someone saying “we want a 50% win rate”, and then saying

It’s designed that way, I literally posted a blue post saying as much.

…removes any need for you to post a selfie.

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If you read the context of that quote, someone is asking about why the devs have implemented 2 matchmaking pools.

That is, categorically, 100% designed by the devs intention.

Has nothing to do with random chance… which is why Kerfuffle made an entire Q and A to address questions for what they did in their game.

What THEY did. Not ‘random chance’.

It’s the same system for both MMR and Rank pools to ensure balanced matchmaking.


Good advice.

And you’ve lost me.