It's time to fix Banana Slamma

We all know its broken.

But to have it broken during a Battlegrounds event?

It’s like hosting a marathon where the course is riddled with broken glass.

Can someone at Blizzard take a look at the playing field before opening it up to people?

At its fun to get Banana, but it sucks when you can’t.

Smiling when you get it and quitting when you don’t is not a fun way to play this game Blizzard.



Its almost never offered to me to purchase ever. Only had 1 match out of like 8 or more when I went beasts and actually was offered the banana hammock minion. But I know your pain about seeing everyone else gets them super early too.

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Just posted in two other threads regarding the fine little slamma. Just gonna copy the last one as it is directly related:

Just finished a round with demons as second. My demons where:
75/83 - 74/72 - 100/160 - 65/66 - 191/208 - 110/105 plus a poison minion.
I lost against Banana Slamma which is fine. However, I had a golden Banana Slamma in hand myself (to lessen the chance for others) and there still were a total of 3 beast players up to the final.
The winner had 5 slammas himself - even though again, there were 2 other players and technically I was a slamma player myself with three in hand :smiley:

My board managed to kill 2 minions. With the above mentioned stats AND a poison minion. Killing of course not included resummoned minions so it would be some more but even with a bit of killing in the end there were like 84/84 resummoned rats, 300/300 tentacles and so on.

Not saying the demon board above should win - but these are decent stats, facing of ONLY stats, no divine shields, no finesse, no poison, nothing.
Still without a remote chance. All based on a 3 star minion.

Seems a bit out of place :wink:

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How did you get your minions so huge?

With Demons That’s doable. The 5 star that gives 1/1 each time you get damage, the one that gives you refresh for one damage. As a golden you do that 4 times each turn, the other golden one is +8+8 for all. The good ol 1/3 each played demon gives extra and the 4/6 taunt adding power each time you play demon.
You get a pretty big board.

I won once with the beast that triggers battle cry and the elemental demon giving +1 +1 and with a Bran and the absorbing demon it escalated even higher. If you get everything right away you might beat beasts.
“Might” if you kill bear and slamma early on :wink:

did not understand: blizzard wants exactly this, the more you are frustrated because you lose the more you will spend money out of desperation, the game is totally under blizzard control, the random events in the game are actually driven by algorithms, it is only you who delude yourself that something is in any way under your control

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