It's Just Like Blizzard to

It’s Just Like Blizzard to want to engage tons of interest in each expansion to earn tons of money from each expansion, and disband Classic so the game doesn’t continue to have a constantly interesting mode that could lead to them gaining more interests and money.

It’s Just Like Blizzard to care about people with their games for making the world a better and funner place for all, then delete everything they stood on with each game they make including Classic Mode for this one.

It’s Just Like Blizzard to care for the world then let their games become corrupt to then change their mind while they leave their games behind.

It’s Just Like Blizzard to want to turn a game into profit and abandon their humanity for the act that they are still making games for fun.

If you think that a game is purely for profit, and not for fun at all, you are literally in incarnation of evil in this world that should not be playing games, nor affecting the world, at all.

Bring back Classic Blizzard. Help me.

“Care” and actiblizz haven’t been synonymous for the better part of 20 years.

The only thing that drives them is money, and pettiness. If they can achieve both, so much the better.

Case in point: how they treated their own employees for years. If they’re willing to do that to their own people, there’s no limit to what they will do to their customers.


your venomous negativity is tiresome boba
don’t you get tired of yourself


There’s nothing “venomous” about telling the truth…unless one is somehow poisoned by facts. Though in an age where deceit runs rampant, I could see how truth could cause toxic shock.

It’s a matter of public record how they treated their own employees for years (do a search on the “cosby room” for one example), the retaliation against whistleblowers (illegal under the state and federal laws of the usa), then have their own board of directors pull a “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing” and it’s a foregone conclusion that if that’s what they are willing to their own…imagine what they will do to people they don’t even know (i.e. their customers).

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

-Arthur Schopenhauer

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Why are YOU being toxic?

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Blizzard, and every other game company, make games for profit. If you think it has ever been otherwise you are very naive. If you think companies will spend millions of dollars to make a game “just for fun” you are the incarnation of stupidity and should not be making any decisions affecting the world, at all. Making fun games is a means to the end of making a profit., not the end goal.

And this is why modern gaming is in so much trouble. Back when gaming was “made by gamers, for gamers” (a certain company’s slogan) they put the fun and experience of the players FIRST.

Did that mean that, as a business they weren’t about making money? Of course not. But, as people who actually played games, they realized that if they made garbage that wasn’t fun (or only fun for them) NO ONE would want to play it. And thus, those companies became a massive success. When they failed to follow that mindset, events like the gaming crash of the 80s happened, or the infamous E.T. landfill scenario.

Today, a company like actiblizz and it’s defenders would have made the E.T. game, told you it was the BESTEST THING EVAR! and then proceeded to bash you (including such nonsense about how much you “hate” the company, the devs, and so on) for daring to question why you were daring not to purchase such a sub par product. When in reality you just want them to release a better product.

And then there’s the predatory monetization. Currently hearthstone is STILL advertised as a f2p game. However, for some time now, those who pay have a significant advantage over those who don’t, and to truly be f2p, you have to jump through a massive ton of hoops to truly be a f2p player. In other modes, it’s not f2p at all (looking at you, bgs).

No one has a problem with companies making a profit; customers have a problem when companies go full weylan-yutani.

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Good thing I don’t think that then. :slightly_smiling_face:

You dug into this line a lot, FluffyDuck, but I simply said “If you think that a game is…” “…not for fun at all,” NOT “just for fun”. Some people can play “just for fun” but there is still always going to be the competitive monetization aspect of each and every game ever made (except maybe like Chess and a few toss around Sports games in real life not on digital media or mediums?).

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