Have you tried to compile a list of semi-random stock battletags? The kind you’d be offered when you register an account.
Like what? They offend some dwarves or orcs?
Some of these look Spanish, for example, and so on. On EU servers, where I play (not so much traditional HS nowadays, though — only some Twist for now, but that’s more or less an exception after they shut down Classic… Also had a brief experience with Standard after many years — with roughly half of the opponents being blizzbots, by the way. But sorry for this little personal digression), you’d also find Cyrillic samples — so I guess these might be a little region-specific.
Blizzbots can be identified by actually having no numbers. They don’t display in your ‘recent’ list, too.
If it looks like and ordinary battletag (something like SparkyElf#<some_numbers>), then it’s most likely some ‘player’ with a run-of-the-mill bot, not a blizzbot.
Ugh… Quotation marks are used not only to cite or convey direct speech, but also to indicate that a word is used not in its literal sense, ironically and such.
I don’t see the need to comment the rest in this light.
That’s not mockery, Boba, that’s annoyance that I gotta explain such things.
Actually, it’s in the opposite order, if you haven’t noticed. Oh, and replying to two different posts regarding two different questions, by the way.
Besides… Are you one of those people who cannot comprehend how good and bad (sometimes subjectively) can coexist within a single person or entity? E.g. you can be a terrible grouch and a good cook at the same time, for example? A lot cannot: “I’m not gonna eat something made by this annoying grump, it’s probably toxic because I can’t stand his temper” — even though it might actually be exquisite.
You don’t like one of my posts (or passages) and like another, is that such a cognitive dissonance for you? Just wondering.
Yep, no need for duplicate posts or series by a single author when you can edit and collate them. You’ve seen what I had to say.
Honestly, you’d be hard pressed to find a single one of your posts that I liked anywhere on the forums. Nearly all of the time, your most valuable contribution is you’ve bumped the topic. And that’s never worth a like.
And all the snark (or whatever you want to call it) to deflect from the rampant botting problem in the game.
Gotta nominate for that Boba Fett Prize, section ‘Deflecting from the rampant botting problem in the game’. Something like this should do the trick, I guees.
violate coc with creating another cross linking, troll post just to highlight more harassment.
Cross Linking Threads
This category includes:
Linking to threads from other forums
Creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:
Be given a temporary ban from the forums
And admitting you post here just because you think they aren’t moderated.
All the trolling and harassment doesn’t change the fact there is a massive bot problem, made worse by the company’s own bots. Nothing “roll on the floor laughing” about it.