Its been fun, but I think I'm done

I haven’t been playing hearthstone from the beginning but it was not long after. I dabbled with it as I did most Blizzard Games, I would say I started playing competitively around the Witchwood expac. Buying the preorder bundles, filling out my collection and hitting legend most seasons. Over the last year my interest declined I haven’t bought the past two bundles, I was logging in to do my quest and battle pass every now and then but it was almost a chore than for fun. With the announcement of duels being removed I think thats the nail in the coffin for me. I always enjoyed my version of fun which was playing big, zaney, off meta decks. Usually control but it was always slow or needed multiple pieces and conditions to win. The focus of more fast games and the favor of aggro drove me away from standard. Duels was fun in that sense in the early days but now with the card collection being almost all of wild, the meta being figured out, even that was becoming tiresome. You couldnt even play casual game son the casual mode, I don’t know how to have fun in this game anymore and Blizz keeps failing on delivering modes, updates, metas. With the failure of mercenaries, twist, and duels its time for me to move on. Thanks for the ride Blizz.


Please edit your wall of text. Paragraphs make it far easier to read and not having them will actively turn people away.

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It’s basicly a huge complain in “how much the game has changed since I’ve played.”

I do understand him tho. You don’t encounter fun decks anymore. On ladder it’s all about the same sh!t over and over again. If you’re lucky and hit legend… what do you see? Fun decks, fun decks everywhere.

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Yes, the game has turned into a bit of a chore for me, as well.

What keeps me going is the memory of how much fun it used to be and the hope a distant maybe, just maybe - it could be back???. In the very beginning, even the new announcement trailers felt like Pixar mini-movie animations, and that used to get me really excited. Now, it just feels like a basic crappy PowerPoint slide.

The most frustrating aspect of this entire situation is the way they handle monetization. The cost of the game/cards are insane (Blizzard is off their rockers with the prices they charge for cards), and there’s no clear beginning or end to this game LMAO. The sole purpose is to reach the top 1, but the game resets every month. LMAO To avoid being perpetually at the bottom, you’re compelled to continuously buy additional cards, which lose value with each expansion. This creates an unending loop, forcing you to spend money just to sustain your climb on the way to number one.

The further I reflect on it, the more I find a parallel between this game’s current state and the act of doing a number two in the bathroom. It’s not necessarily fun, but it’s something you have to do.


hearthstone is a game in decline, recent blizzard statements disguised as choices to improve the game are signs of decline, as is the cancellation of game modes such as duels. I advise anyone who has spent thousands of dollars over the years to start preparing handkerchiefs for tears because within one or two years you will read “we are sorry the hearthstone community has ended its adventure”


lol, you’re specifically telling someone on the forums to write better? I read it… it wasn’t that long.

This isn’t English class… and yes, I get what you’re saying, but telling someone how to write on a forum like this is futile.


It was a suggestion, my dude.

No, it was demand, telling them to please edit their post.

A suggestion would have been,

“Just a suggestion, if you were to …”


saying “please” is in no way a demand. Are you ok?

Good for you, piss on hearthstone and move on, like everyone else will in the end.