It is that dificult to like HS?

It’s not difficult at all to like HS. I in fact, happen to love the game…not all modes all the time but yes. I love it.

It’s true that being a trailblazer is fun but two things to keep in mind are (1) often times creating new ideas are incredibly flawed, (2) sometimes things become traditional because they work and are good. You need a balance between these two things.

People’s major frustration with Hearthstone is unpredictability and lack of agency. These are some of the things that define gameflow in Hearthstone. Management of resources basically doesn’t exist because every deck functionally has infinite resources to draw from and you could definitely say this is a flaw in the same way that YGO is flawed because midrange and tempo doesn’t exist in that game anymore. It’s a valid criticism.

The best things about Hearthstone, in my opinion, are the set themes, art direction, and playing off of an IP that I’ve liked since I was a kid. I also like a lot of the card design as well which is why I continue to play but I DID quit for like a three year period and many of the reasons I quit then have been making me feel like dropping the game again and likely permanently since it is very difficult to get back into the game once you leave for an extended period of time. Also, I don’t enjoy frustration at the actual results of playing the game regardless of where I am sitting on the ladder. There are times I get to legend (like I am right now) where I am not enjoying my placement because some games literally just make me log off and throw on something else. I don’t have this issue when I play MTGA or Runeterra.

These issues are mostly related to RNG being FARRRRRRR too deterministic in games and Wild being unplayable (for reasons regarding both balancing, lack of banning cards, and the inherent system design issue of no non-turn player interaction). The saving grace for Hearthstone for me at this point are the reasons outlined above on why I continue playing the game and hopes that Twist can actually be the best format if it’s managed correctly (which so far has been more miss than hit).