It' even worse, and you fail

I suspect the latter as this person has derailed several threads to talk about absolute nonsense.

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I think that you have a point here but that youā€™re taking it a little too far. Yes, of course any perspective I have is based on my own experience to some degree, and yes Iā€™m not perfect. But I think thereā€™s a lot of room between being infallible and being clueless. Indeed, I have several clues. I donā€™t have all of them, and thatā€™s okay.

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Again, in the context of a forum.

The focus is not you but rather them.
Much the same I type based on my incomplete experience.

Them (if genuine) often are not ready for anything else except a listening ear. We show care when we listen. Help is better left with experts in therapy.

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Itā€™s pretty funny how most of you desperately want to ignore this dude and say heā€™s wrong but your lackadaisical uncaring attitudes just prove him correct. Humans generally donā€™t really give a sht about anything but themselves.


What does Eater of Secrets say when you play the card?

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Really, Bloodbane? Really?

Weā€™re not that stupid and your ideas arenā€™t that normal.


I donā€™t play Wild so I had to Google this.

Itā€™s so ridiculously obvious and pathetic at this point. A 1-post alt jumps in to chime inā€¦geez, I wonder who it could be?

It just keeps getting worse and worse as we see how fake they are time and time again.


Still funny. For anyone, who has to google it too (like me) ā€œI know, who you areā€

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HS Forum version of Among Us?

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Wake up honey, new Hearthstone forum-inspired board game came out.



Why were people replying to this throwaway post? And it didnā€™t get taken down? What the heck? And it was last replied to over a day ago, but is still on the front page? What a sorry stateā€¦