It' even worse, and you fail

Pay a therapist. Good job. You just are proving my point that most people are evil. In school, I fought against that notion. But experience has proven it. As a whole, humans are evil. They only pretend to care, but when faced with reality, they recoil.

People do not change. We are just giving more bad people the ability to pretend to be good.

This world is a nightmare, because enough people don’t stand up. But you clap when someone catches a ball.

It’s just a card game bro

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You really created an entirely new thread because you weren’t getting the attention you were seeking in the other thread?



What is this thread even about? You are expressing some dark emotions here and I think it would be more productive for you to discuss them with someone irl. Not meaning that as an offence at all tho.

Also, pardon my question but are you Bloodbane’s alt? You write in exactly the same way


Allow me to clear it up.

It is Bloodbane. At first they lied in another thread, but they were caught and exposed.

Bloodbane got a ban because they kept going on and on and on about their depression. At first, people were sincere and chimed in to seek help for real, myself included. Some posters even had LENGTHY back and forths begging them to get help.

What did the OP do? Told EVERYONE that no one was sincere and no one really cared. A massive pitty party the likes this forum has never seen before.

Then, in another thread that is still currently up where they were exposed, they kept on and on and on talking about how no one cares.

And at this point, no one does. They’ve been caught lying, they spat in the faces of people who were sincere and told them they weren’t sincere. The OP has been extremely rude to anyone who even attempted to help.

And in that thread, they stopped getting the attention they wanted as they kept editing post and post after post after post about their life store. Now they created this one.

It’s disgusting really. The cry for help, the shunning of those who cared, and now openly calling everyone bad for not caring.


I think he was banned because of his flaming everybody else, not because of depression

But yeah, now I can put him on ignore list…again

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Welp, not much that can be done about it in an anonymous online forum like this one really. I do know that psychological suffering is a horrible thing and that people that are unwell can be extremely difficult to deal with and be around of. Even worse if this is compounded with substance abuse. I have seen a lot of this, and gone through some myself (not to such severe extremes tho), enough to learn not to judge and be compassionate of these things. Best thing to do is just not engaging for the most part.

I will say tho, if you feel like you’re in a dark place, it’s never late to talk with someone about it irl. It can get better.

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oooh i took it as if he was faking depression for attention

Probably substance-induced Bipolar disorder

When he drinks, at first he becomes grandiose, saying how he’s the best and the smartest person

Later on he becomes depressive, suicidal even

Who knows what the underlying disorders are? Could be a few xD

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What are you talking about?

His traumas, apparently

He’s not giving up from using this forum as his therapists

Wait a minute, why are you complaining about something on this board that isn’t Paladin???

If you want to talk to someone about your story, then find a more appropriate forum than this.

You still think that you’re a genius and people are stupid and you can fool them. Sorry. You can’t.

Here brother, if you need someone to talk call 988 and I promise you someone will listen.

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Sir or madam this is a Wendy’s.


Just a card game which they expect us to put money and time into… time is the most valuable thing in life… and ppl. feel their time is waisted when they look at the insane unbalance because some classes are able to use tools which should not even exist (get even more of them than 1…) and also can generate just too many resources to dodge everything until use them or destroy the enemies deck at the end unavoidably… Or… kill the enemy in 5 turns… none of these are healthy for the game in my opinion… They should find the way between the two… and get back to strategies… because these are not them…

You won’t get help here.
The regulars here are unemotional non-achievers projecting their insecurities to the world, aka each other since no one else is left in this site.

They are the in-group, you either join their unemotionality and start bullying members as well or you get banned.

Just look at them sucking up to a person for literally blaming you for existing by giving him 7 likes. Usual promotion of such behavior in this site. Nothing out of the ordinary. And then they cry when they get banned for such behavior, finally.

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You need to find another outlet for attention. Forums and social media etc. isn’t it. Clearly it brings out a lot of negativity in you. I hope you seek help, not attention, soon.

If you think I am any of those people you clearly don’t know anything.
Assumptions made of air. Reread the threads and come back, genius.