It' even worse, and you fail

They need to start authenticating accounts with phone number. It would end ban evading, mass reporting, a lot of trolling and the paranoia people get trying to guess who is who. Not saying the above person is another Bloodbane alt tho.

I actually think Bloodbane themselves might be an alt as well.

And then punish unfairly banned, esteemed members of society, such as me, no thanks :smiley:

He 100% is (Moondance)

Are you serious with this?

I was talking about Moondance

I’ve no idea who you are, nor do I care

I am notanalt I’ll have you know.


I genuinely don’t think so. They’ve been posting at the same time Bloodbane has and they don’t seem to be related at all in any way. Maybe I am wrong idk, but I don’t wanna start seeing Bloodbane everywhere now lol

Name is notanalt tho so probally someone’s alt. Don’t care really, I like what I have read from them so far lol.

Edit: oh nvm lol

Yh, my bad, didn’t properly read the previous replies, so I thought we were referring to OP

Nono, Moondance is 100% Bloodbane we all know, I have known from first glance ngl

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All I am saying is we are promoting the usual bully behavior.
If people cared about OP’s mental health they wouldn’t reply like this. It’s better to just not reply. People here are just hitting people while they are down.

Just, don’t, reply next time. Why bump this thread? Will there be any good from it?

It takes little effort to discern not through the troll name you chose for this alt account, but how you talk and discuss the same themes. You’re not smart. You’re desperate for attention.

Look at the discrepancy in likes as well, between Schyla’s cold shoulder response and yours that actually cared.

It’s evident that people prefer being bullies on this site than actually caring.

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Cestea you had 3 guesses and got 0/3.
Keep going and you might find my actual account which I don’t actually have.

I was actually one of the few here being empathetic and compassionate. I think they need to discuss this stuff in a more welcoming place than here and I am not going to jump at anyone’s throat, no matter how they’ve behaved. I understand everyone’s response to this, but I have been around people in poor mental health enough to know they’re not easy to be around of. Most people just react negatively to them and that’s also understandable.

You did well. Schyla’s comment was the typical “farming for likes” practice common on this site—a standard “no, you” response with no real insight.

It was simplistic, appealing to those who prefer easy-to-digest remarks. Schyla obviously didn’t care, but seeing people like the comment is frustrating.

I think it was related to some other argument on a different thread where the OP tried to deny the alt allegations with an evident lie and a few people called them out for it and started a whole argument, and that’s why the OP made this thread. I agree it’s all very counterproductive but it’s just action-reaction. A big part of the reason why people struggling with severe depression progressively distance themselves from everyone around them is because their behavior starts to be unbearable to everyone and they push them away. It’s unfortunate but if it happens in the real world and between long time friends, imagine this in a virtual videogame forum.

I like Schyla, I think their reaction is just natural. I don’t share it tho.

You’re about 3 threads late to the entire discussion.

The first thread they started, which is now deleted, there were about 6 of us who were genuinely trying to help. There was like 200 replies in that thread. We were ALL genuine. We asked them to get help. I even pleaded and used my experience from watching fellow veterans go through issues and depression leading to many deaths.

The OP spat in our face. Called us liars and terrible people for no other reason than believing we were just people on a forum who really didn’t care at all and were just making stuff up. Other people pleaded and one by one the OP went on and on about how they were liars and lacked empathy. One by one those posters gave up and backed off because of how nasty the OP was being. People offered to talk to OP in game. In discord and again OP called everyone a liar and false caring.

So, you see, you don’t have the full story. The OP doesn’t want help. That’s been proven already. They literally blamed everyone else for them being depressed as if it was our direct fault citing political agendas about banning weapons, etc.

So don’t act like these forums weren’t genuine with people who care. I’ve already personally helped several posters before. I’ve helped several friends in game and talked to them when they were depressed and offered to talk to them.

The OP doesn’t want any of that.

So all those likes you see are from people who either did try to help the OP and the OP got nasty with them or people who know the full story, not from people who didn’t care.

Just look at the title of the thread. It’s clear OP just wants to mock everyone.


I didn’t know the full story either, I haven’t paid as much attention to the forum these days. That is important context for sure. I still think some people with severe depression or other conditions can do all this and more, refuse any kind of help and be completely insufferable and unstable, yet still be genuinely suffering. So probably better to ignore and stay out of it.

Anyways, this entire thread should be closed soon for everyone’s wellbeing lol

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My bad then I didn’t know.

Still, at that point that multiple threads are being made mind as well not reply. With their mental it’s better to let them in retrospect.

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I think at this point it is delusional to believe that Bloodbane/Moondance is even slightly suicidal. I know that the first instinct is to always believe, and as Schyla detailed that was the community’s first reaction. It was my first reaction and it took a while for me to shake it. It’s just common decency to give the benefit of the doubt at first.

But we’re talking about someone here who clearly uses other people’s caring like a plaything. He’ll admonish us for how little we care, what bad humans we are, and then pivot into a sob story to try to get reassurance from people. It’s blatantly manipulative and a recipe for getting away with crap when dealing with naive people. The intent is to disarm.

I’m very confident that Bloodbane has someone in his life who enables his addictions and behaviors, who is perhaps not completely naive but who is particularly susceptible to this extremely basic strategy, probably a parent or aunt/uncle. It works on them and it makes Bloodbane feel clever so he thinks it’ll work on people generally. In essence, he was born into an emotionally abusive relationship where either he is the abuser, or (more likely) it is mutually abusive.

So what we’ve fundamentally got here is a 110 IQ narcissist who sees himself as a 200 IQ hustler posing as a genuine victim, and is going around collecting fake sympathy from people with the emotional manipulation equivalent of the Martingale strategy. And when I say “fake sympathy” I don’t mean that his sob story is 100% fake, as I said I suspect an abusive relationship growing up. I have no doubt that his sob story is some eclectic combination of truths, exaggerations and outright lies. In which percentages, I don’t think even Bloodbane knows anymore. One of the biggest epistemological risks of narcissism, especially when it begins at a young age, is getting so emersed in your own BS that you can’t even tell what’s real and what’s invented anymore.

The best thing for a narcissist is defeat. They can only really move on and change for the better if their mind can’t rationalize that their methods are effective. Being soft here is being cruel to Bloodbane’s potential future self.


Just a sharing and not targeting the message to anyone.

I have encountered many people whom cared. Cared alot. But, they are clueless at what is the best method to help. Often, they help and advise based on thier own experience which is totally different from the ‘victim’.

Often, they just want people to listen. No help nor advise needed, or should I say wanted.

In particular to this thread, I believe you more than the ‘them’. However, I am very wary to participate with any engagement.

As someone above mentioned,

‘They’ might be(had) experience something hard. ‘They’ might be manipulating the forum’s emotion.

But in the context of a forum, we need not get so involved. Least, we get entangled by the mess.