Is Warrior banned from areana?

So i have been playing HS since release, ive reached legend and usually always reach diamond (currently diamond 4 i think). I have around 9000 wins with Warrior. I dont play other classes ever. Heres the thing, over the past 3ish years i have used about 100+ areana tokens and i have never, not once, got my class Warrior, never. I always just “retire” straight after making the deck as i have zero interest in other classes even in areana.

I started to think blizzard have it in their data base im not spending enough money as i dont need cards for any other class and literally get my warrior cards and all the neutrals every expansion for free as i have tens of thousands of gold, 30-40 packs sitting unopened. Tobs of dust etc. So i only pay for warrior portraits and occasionally the rewards track pass if theres a skin their i want for warrior.

But 3 years in, must be 100+ areana cards an notva single warrior?. Is blizzard trying to force me to try other classes so i then like the other classes so have to spend more money to get ALL the class cards. Im.not a netdecker so dont jump from s tier to s tier etc. So i dont need entire collections.

A few weeks back i laughed and told my son to watch me open around 17 areana cards and i told him i wont get a single warrior card, and guess what… not a single warrior card…

So is warrior band from areana?, or am i just so unlucky that even a hundred areana cards i don’t get warrior or is blizzard being cunningly luring me to spend more money by blocking me from ever getting warrior?, surely thats illegal or something?. Unless warrior is banned lol, then ignor all this lol

Are you trolling us? I got a warrior with a priest second a couple of months ago with that dual class thing, and I’m not even playing Arena often.

So your conclusion to my experience as a very long term experienced player is “im trolling”… so it has nothing to do with the possibility blizzard have bad practices to individual players because they’re such a nice consumer friendly entity that loves us and is only thinking of our enjoyment and not our wallets. The fact no one else has commented means as i feared the consumers like to be ignorent a long as it isnt happening to them.

No i am not trolling, read my comment again, carefully. I only play warrior, since the game launched, no other class ever. I have around 9k wins with warrior. 2-3 years of over a hundred areana tokens not a single warrior option. The fact you(and i suspect most others) do get warrior as an option proves that there is something deceptive going on in blizzards HS algorithms to force the few players like myself to learn the other classes that way i will need to spend more money.

Why would i, a grown man, with better things to do than troll, come on here and troll about not getting a warrior option in around 3 years with over a 100+ areana tokens… but i guess i have to accept you and the large majority of the hs player base worship blizzard and they would never have such a thing in their systems… so i guess ill just leave it as this and hopefully someone who doesnt shill for a massive corporation will agree its a bit odd, 100-150+ areana tokens, over 3ish years, still no warrior. And the coincidence is i get every other class apart from the only class i play with 9k wins and i dont need to spend any money. Yeah thats just bad luck right…

Most people play all classes, or more than one, so they probably by hs coding do get all class options, but in my case NO. And no im not tolling… such a rotten community.

So now im addressing Blizzard directly, why cant i ever get a warrior option in areana after countless and i mean countless areana tokens?, is it bad luck or do you have a system that tries to lure you to other classes so you end up needing to spend to get every class card. Cant believe how the community supports the possibility of bad practice.

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blizzard has been scamming millions of users with arena for ten years, it is a totally illegal rigged system because it is like a rigged slot, do not throw away your money blizzard will simply take it and laugh at your expense

You losing isn’t proof it’s rigged. You probably don’t draft well. Do you at least win 2 games when you start a new draft?

I personally think arena is THE hardest format in the game in terms of deck selection by far.

That’s because netdecking is impossible and most people are bad at construction.