Is this potentially the biggest missed opportunity Blizzard?

One of the best features of gaming is being able to connect and play with people across the world, and effectively make new friends. I have been playing duos battlegrounds, solo and have been getting paired with teammates varying in skill and sometimes there are some that I just want to say GGs or “dude you are genius”. So why is it I never have the option to add these people after the game is over? Instead I am limited to the bottom 5 people that lost first in the lobby, the people who constantly spam aggressive emotes and have low skill. Not surprisingly in regular battlegrounds you are faced with the same scenario, I end in the top 2 and would like to add my formidable opponent to perhaps discuss the details of the game. Instead, I get the option to add the afk guy who left the game early on. It would be really nice to have the ability to build a community in this game. All at the cost of adding 2 additional people as options in an interface menu.

What do you guys think? am I tripping?

P.S. Person named “Goat” in game who played Goya in duo and I was Omu, I just want to say you are a genius, great game.