Is this even fun anymore? Infinite spell casting?

Obviously every game is decided ahead of time who will win by the AI. By withholding cards from you and giving the other bot or player every helpful card.
But now the AI completely removes all mystery who will win. You can accurately guess who the winner will be in any game because it is so lopsided.
I already forfeit every druid game because there is no way for me to beat a card runner outer.
There is no way to beat infinite spell casting. I forfeit that every game. As soon as they match you up against a warlock that uses infinite spells to burn your deck you might as well forfeit.
Other obvious losses I have to forfeit at the start. Low card player that keep covering the board until they buff them up by turn 3 to hit you with a million damage.
I have forfeiting against mooneater paladins for years. The AI now seldom even tries to put me up against them. Maybe twice a year. The AI now realizes I forfeit all druid games so it seldom gives me druids anymore. Why canā€™t they fix the AI, so there is some mystery as to who will win a match? Does anyone know?


This is officially how we will refer to all Mill strategies in all CCGs from now on.

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When a lactose intolerant person eats dairy, their inner runner to their outer!

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There are many things you can complain about in this game, but AI matchfixing probably isnā€™t one of them .

I genuinely donā€™t know why some take this so seriously. Around about 50% of the time youā€™ll win, around about 50% of the time youā€™ll lose. If you play a good meta deck, youā€™ll maybe win 58% of the time and lose 42%.

How can something that isnā€™t true be ā€œobviousā€?

You have no idea who will win a match, in advance.

These conspiracy theories are the sanctuary of the poor players.

Youā€™ll never become a better player by auto-conceding ā€¦

I donā€™t care about this.

As the title was asking about ā€˜funā€™, I auto concede to priests because I donā€™t find ā€˜let me copy all of your cards, meanwhile playing the taunt that destroys all your minions, only to then play the chick that rezzes all the taunts you just destroyed, oh and also you canā€™t get to her because of all the rezzed taunts in the way againā€¦ā€™ enjoyable.

No thanks. Great for the people who play it, but I just find it uncreative, frustrating, and ultimately a waste of my time.

if you are frustrated the goal has been achieved, statistically a frustrated player spends more on average than a happy one who spends carefree hours with a video game, it is true someone will abandon the game, but in percentage terms more money will fall into the pockets of the software house and this is the only important goal, do you think itā€™s your happiness? :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Card copying is a big cheat, he can see your cards even before they are played, as if in poker your opponent can see your hand in real time, mechanic must be removed.

I can get behind rezzes and healing, as that makes sense with a priest regarding the lore and their character, but since when is a priest a mind reader and a thief? Is that a shadow priest thing? Is that a WoW lore exclusive thing?

must be improved ! coilfang costs too much it should be a 3 mana minion and we need another one but with the effect to increase the mana cost of one of the cards we discover intead

it would be great for a disruption deck along wit the elemental priest has to dredge a card from opponent deck and make it cost 6 we need another dredge card maybe to copy one so we can take a look to the bottom of their decks so we can know for sure the opponetn doesnt have 6+ mana cards at the bottom

Since Mind Control in classic wow.

Thatā€™s fine to control your mind and make you do something against your will, and in that same spirit being able to take control of a card or two, but copying your cards repeatedly? Nah.

No we remove the mechanic and the class cards must finally become class cards unplayable by other classes.

To balance a game, you have to stop with debility.

A pissed off player does not spend moreā€¦ they leave for a game that does not piss them off as much and spends their money thereā€¦ exampleā€¦ myself

I actually used to believe this as well until recently (that AI decides game before it has begun) but I have counterproof. An Ai would progressively work against the player to prevent any player to surpass 50-60% win rate. This is not the case at least not consistently. I just had a win streak from diamond to legend with 15 consecutive wins. If the Ai was present I would have lost at a 3-5 win streak which I usually do. There were a lot of bad matchups tho.

Something has to be regulated tho because what you are saying is partly true. Sometimes the opponent will get all possible highrolls and all your key cards will be at the bottom of the deck, alas it feels like the game was already decided.

I think the simple answer lies in that we tend to remember negative experiences on a greater scale than positive, if we focus on them. It probably is a combination, of that and several other factors. There is an Ai for matchmaking for sure, but I think itā€™s far less complex and conclusive than people give it credit for.
Itā€™s probably more dominant in money spending tactics and profit schemes. (You have to scrolls through all deals and bundles to buy packs etc, not AI but you get what I mean)

My 2 cents.

I canā€™t stop laughing at this response.

Sometime you make a deck the A.I. has not figured out how it is winning and you will win 20 games in a row until it understand which cards are making you win and in what combos and then it will start withholding those cards. I have played this for years and I am a genius so it is easy for me to figure it out.