Is this an error or hacker?

Just played a game and I had lamplighter at 8 damage, and played it after shudderblock. Should have done 32 damage. Anamation trigger, but the hunter player took 0 damage. Am I missing something? I also played played shudderblock before incindius. Then got hit with my own eruptions that then came out of his deck. I was so confused. Nothing he played should have done this… I feel like he somehow hacked the game.

Apparently the words on Shudderblock which state that your next battlecry “can’t damage the enemy hero.”


Got it. What about the odd incindius issue?

did they also play an incindius?

have you heard of this guy Disguised K’thir?
-I don’t know any of his interaction specifically but he usually ends up being the culprit for bizarre effects since his release in Titans.
-since he says each turn when drawn he may transform immediately and trigger the cast when drawn

He did not, and no I have not

Rare · Minion · TITANS · Each turn this is in your hand, transform into a random card in your opponent

if you shudderblock’d your incendius you would have a high percent of cards in your deck being eruption so for theory if half your deck is eruptions there is a 50% k’thir becomes an eruption, and if 3/4 of your deck then 75% chance k’thir is eruption

Again I don’t how he works(have never used) but I would guess he is to blame for “your” eruption in your opponents deck assuming he transforms when drawn he might become an eruption and immediately trigger

The turn after the failure of face damage 4 eruptions came out of his deck…. Between those two it confused me

PSA: if you think your opponent is a hacker, there is a 99% chance that the actual problem is you not reading what cards do


Which is why I cam to see if anyone might shed light on what I might be missing. Just seemed really wierd.

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Fair enough. You just have bad timing. Lots of similar threads recently. Regulars like me are already tired of them.

Do you remember seeing this minion on your opponents field?

I don’t but I am wondering if I missed it. I never see it played

Sometimes I read posts like these just to see douchebag decks fizzle out for trying to be too douchey. Then I come back many moons later and think “Huh, maybe that guy was onto something”

Legendary · Minion · Whizbang

Already debunked in first reply and acknowldged by OP in second reply