Is this a hack or bad programming?

I just played a roge that must have used shadow step a hundred times to beat me.
How is this even possible? How do you even beat this?

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If it’s Wild, just stop playing Wild. It’s a broken mess; they can barely balance Standard(if at all) and Wild is exponentially harder to balance; the main purpose of the existence of Wild is nostalgia milking and selling cards to completionists.


It’s probably cheating but the Hearthstone Defenders will swarm and defend, defend, defend by saying the game is fine and you’re just bad.


They’ll defend that the cards work the way they are printed? Learn to read cards.

If Wild (or other type) is broken talk about that instead of not reading the cards.


Do you have an actual proof of what you are accusing your opponent of ? Or are you just making things up to find an excuse to whine ?

Based on absolutely nothing yeah that’s the most reasonnable thought.

Until they provide evidence that something was not fine, obviously yes ?


do you have a screenshot to share ?

people lie or dont bother reading cards

ive seen countless of posts claiming a “hack” because they didnt draw a card they dredged…while playing a DK shuffling their decks with the plagues

Sadly it probably is a hack or bug. Not that Blizzard cares really, they’ll just pump out more expansion packs and nag you to buy them.

I froze a minion, only to have it attack me while frozen…

I’ve had a Rush minion attack me on the turn it was played…

I’ve had a Rogue opponent endlessly cast 0-cost cards, despite not having played anything that would GIVE them endless 0-cost cards…

The list goes on. You can tell they don’t care because there is no /ignore function or any way to report a player. In MTGA they give you the means to bug report or report players with files and/or screenshots.


You’re proving his point on how they will “defend defend and claim your a bad player”.

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Yes. I am proving that his conspiracy theory has people who respond when they hear it “no: your conspiracy theory is wrong”.

He probably hasn’t even read the cards if he has the delusion Wild is “hacked”(Wild is just a broken mess on its own).

read the cards people always forget to read cards

Do you want to talk about people that will always attack and attack and attack, with absolutely no argument ?
Like accusing players of cheating, or trashing the game about imaginary bugs without providing any proof of what they claim ?
Is it bad to raise against that ?

There have been actual cheaters on duels recently. Proofs were provided that they cheated. Once the proof was here, no one tried to contradict because it would be nonsens.
There are numerous bugs in the game. When proofs are provided, these bugs are acknowledged.

But there are also a gigantic amount of claims of cheats and bugs that are not supported by anything. Many of them, when the replay of the events is provided, are dismissed. Everything worked as expected but the player didn’t know or didn’t understand what happened, and it got explained to them.
In such case you suggest letting people make their claim, provide no piece of evidence, and agreeing with them blindly ?

So if it wasn’t for this main purpose they would delete all the cards that leave the standard format every year?
Wild shouldn’t exist or am I wrong? :thinking::smile::smile:

I have had the same experience where every card they played cost ZERO. They literally rolled through their entire deck in one turn.
They kept going for about two minutes after the fuse should have been done, and it should have been my turn.
I should have laid down and taken a nap. Anyway, they just kept rolling through their deck until they kilt me.
I saw no card that says all cards are now magically ZERO COST.
And if there is a card that does that, the devs have some explaining to do to Microsoft why they made such a ridiculous card.

If it’s Wild, it’s “normal”. Play Standard for something that barely approaches balance in constructed Hearthstone.

Well if you’re playing on a computer you should definitely start playing with a deck tracker to be able to look at your games replays and be able to post them on the forum.
If bug or cheat there is you would be providing proof of it. If not people would be able to explain what happened and you did not understand.

I have heard of deck trackers, but I am not sure if 3rd party software is allowed. Also, I would not know what would be safe to download.

They are not authorized during physical official events but that’s it.
3rd party softwares are not authorized if they provide an unfair advantage to the user, mainly by giving information a normal users couldn’t obtain by normal means other than writting down on a paper everything that happens during the game (what pro players do during physical events)
Deck trackers are very aware of that rule and conform to it. The most popular ones have been trustful for years now. From time to time when specific interactions are not supported correctly they may display information they shouldn’t, but they always quickly fix it.
They are entrusted enough to let these slip through, as banning them would hurt the community too much.
The most used ones are Hearthstone Deck Tracker ( and firestone (that requires overwolf to run)
For replays purposes I prefer hearthstone deck tracker :

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Ok, thanks. I will try these.

Firestone has full replay tracking, and it’s free. It also has a full blown meta decks tracker

though for meta decks tracking (and free) I’d suggest

So has and is Hearthstone Deck Tracker ?
I don’t use deck trackers to get decklists and info about the meta, I just want the in-game information when I play and the replays after that.
And from what I’ve seen the replay system of hdt is better than the one of firestone

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