Is this a bug/exploit or intended

Edit: I removed the players name tag as I was told it’s against terms of service. Apologies.

I had 8 health and 28 armour.
They had used that card that steals 7 health from your opponent. They used it a few times so took around 21 health in total. Leaving me with 9 health(although I had 8 health left, technically I could have got 1 health back as he only stole 21 health).

I was safe behind my armour and was going to win the game. They then played Alextrasza and hit me with it, it put my health to 0. Instead of putting it to 15, which technically I didn’t have as they stole my health. So why does Alextrasza in that case put your health to zero?. Is this intended?. The player knew this was going to happen, hence why they had Alex in their deck and kept putting the card that steals health back into their hand.

Regardless, name dropping is forbidden on the forum.

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Don’t put the battletag of a player inside your comment. That’s against the rules of the forum.

This interaction is known for a while. Your health hits zero because the life steal effect is applied to you again after your health is set to 15. And 15 - 21 = -6.

This is not an exploit but a weird interaction between those cards.


Ah okay, thanks for the reply, much appreciated

It isn’t “weird”, it is just another result of their spaghetti code that has been butchered together over ten years.

When they make cards in a framework like this, with patch-work exception code everywhere, there are a lot of unexpected interactions. If the card isn’t seeing a lot of play they tend not to bother fixing bugs anymore (especially race condition ones). Even the ones that are fixed will re-manifest if balance changes are made, as the single fix use case gets broken.

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If that’s how it works then why does Alex drop you to 15 hp if your maximum health is 16? If you use Alex after 2 Snakes, they drop to 15 from 16, not to 1 (15-14=1). The kill effect only applies when maximum hp < 15.

If it’s against the rules of the forum why wasn’t I silenced for name dropping a certain SheetCant who DARED to insult me for emoting too much? As for OP, Alextresa has been pretty buggy about being aimed at the same hero 4 times iirc. It’s a bug that’s existed ever since the Dalaran Heist was made and the devs don’t bother with it cause its a bug on a card with “less than 60% pick rate” or whatever jargon they used

Stop using that meme if you’re not a Programmer. There’s nothing “spaghetti code” about it.

It’s just a specific bug; I doubt it’s intended; they’ll probably change it if it’s popularized.

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It’s too nasty to be intended, and the proof is it makes Alex extremely easy to be a win condition and it doesn’t sound deserved[/earned].

It will be probably changed if it’s popularized.

Because there are barely any mods on this forum.
That still is forbidden and if any ever comes to actually moderate, the hammer can strike.

Stop capitalizing words that are not proper nouns. Nope, not even job titles unless they are attached to someone’s name.

Yay looks like the patch notes have fixed this bug!. Don’t know if this topic brought it back to Blizzard Devs attention but I’m glad it’s being fixed :). Because that player who used it on me shouldn’t be allowed to exploit like that. Just seen it on Zeddys new video, he called it an exploit. But I also agree with Joachim that it’s also just a weird interaction that wasn’t intended, it just shouldn’t have been exploited, but by nature if it benefits some people they will use it.

Race condition? You are just using buzzwords without even knowing what they mean.