Is there any way to get rid of signature cards?

I accidentally clicked the Ravenous Kraken signatures and now I can’t get rid of them because they’re apparently uncraftable and therefore undustable. Is there any way at all to get rid of them? I think the signatures look ugly as hell and really don’t want to use them, which wouldn’t be a problem if not for the fact I’m purely an arena player which means the cards default to the highest rarity. I don’t even care about dust, I’d happily just have them deleted from my collection if that’s possible.

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I think it’s probably a “just deal with it” thing. Like when they forced 2 mercenary packs on me and forced me to do the mercenary tutorial to get rid of the 2 unopened pack notification even though I had less than zero interest in mercenaries…Just had to do it…there was no other way Blizz gave me to say no or get rid of it

Dang, this sounds kinda abusive lol

Btw the only way I can think of is to craft the regular cards and then turn off the signature one in arena


and its the same with core set cards