Is there any way to beat a warlock card runner outter dmg?

Is there a card you can put your deck to beat this or should you just forfeit every game against worlock card runner outters damage decks?

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What is a warlock card runner otter?

It’s a worlock that purposesly runs out their cards so they get damage and then you take the damage because of their quest.
I am sure it has some official name that I don’t know about. I just make up my names. Card runner outter for druids.
low card boogies for people that cover the board with low cards until they can buff them up to a million damage and take you out.
I am sure these all have official names but I use my own names.


Can you teach me how to low card boogie?

If you are talking about demon seed you might as well just concede when crystalizer is played. One of the dumbest decks imo.


Thank you. I was wondering if there was a solution, but I guess not. I will just forfeit when I run into those.

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Just leave the moment you see a warlock play that questline. Unless you can make a lethal win condition for yourself in under 4 turns from the start of the game, you’d just be wasting your time in that matchup anyways. I do similar with most druids and all their OP nonsense (quests/ mana cheat/ dragons/ infinite attack and unlimited taunt generation/etc.)


The worst part about that deck is that they know they’re pissing you off. I had a warlock rope 3 turns straight at the start and burn my entire deck the next couple turns and BM me while doing it. Still have some leftover PTSD from it.

Or, come up a deck full of disruptions like counterspell type effects, spell changing effects, redirection of spells and minions, etc. Minion changing effects like devolve and so on. hit the meme with an antimeme. When I encounter them in duels runs running that same quest and strategy its always hilarious when I;ve chosen the treasure where I get 2 secrets at the start of the game and when they see that their quest was auto counterspelled or oh my yogg’d on turn one, they get so nettled and concede right away lol.

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If you play hyper aggro you have a chance to beat it. Or like someone else commented, early disruption also works. If you aren’t playing that style of deck than better to concede and move on.