Is there another titans event?

Title. The preview of the rewards track doesn’t show the two signature cards that are from an “event” so where are they supposed to be coming from? Did you guys forget about adding them because you rushed out a second release in less than a month?

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I was just thinking about this. There have been a few events and we got some signatures from the twist one, but we haven’t gotten the one that gives us the kraken and the other beast one yet.


Looks like they forgot, especially with the announcement of the new set.

Too focused on the scam that was twist apparently.

Looks like with patch 28.2 they will be rewards in an upcoming event track next week.


Only an expac late and a gold piece short.

Guess we can expect the badlands ones in the same time frame: the expac after!


hey man, at least they bothered to do it. give them that.

hes just angry he wont be able to keep complaining about these missing signtures anymore (hes been ranting about these signature card pretending to care about them on other threads )


i am curious what if any badlands signatures haven’t been released yet. or did he just make that up. i guess i should look for myself in card browser ingame.

Edit: Ah, it’s Walking Mountain, Howdyfin and Kobold Miner. Would be good if we eventually got those. I wouldn’t be mad if we had to wait a bit though.

When they advertise it as a titans event…but don’t do the event, I can only give them the label of dishonest. The events already have a template: they literally just needed to throw in the rewards and they couldn’t be bothered. Like they got too focused on releasing the scam twist mode.

Only you would defend the company lying…again

Like how many expansions later? Or would you prefer a “badlands event?”

lying ? but i asked you the where did you read the date for these signatures release but you never answered or posted a link

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You know: the opposite of telling truth.

The quotes here:

So you lied once again. But not surprising, considering who coded you.

Only with this company can they literally put a “titans only event” cards in the game, then have their bots gaslight you about it actually being in the game.

Anyone could look up the signatures for Ravenous Kraken and Angry Helhound then see they are “titans special event.”

Well, any human could. Others, need a coding upgrade to search the card collection.

there was no date were werent expecting tohse to be released on a specific date

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This is easy: Are we still in TITANS or BADLANDS?

Take your time.

Account sharing again.