Is the arena filled with blizz made bots?

just wondering because whenever i play arena i get absolutely nothing but yet there are enemies with nothing but full zerg decks or other OP decks in previous expansions/mini sets.

How is it possible that most people get nothing but neutral card garbage but yet there are some in there wich get nothing but OP cards wich work perfectly together. As if they are able to discard any card wich isnt op. And funnily enough also often have legendary cards and skins matching the deck.

Surely these are bots or is there some p2w way to get nothing but the OP cards. because its absurd people are able to get full OP decks in there nothing but zerg. meanwhile players like me selecting a dk or dh hero get maybe just one zerg unit if we are lucky

How do we know you’re not just bad at drafting? Do you even know that if you have a Constructed deck in mind then you’re likely mess it up? I’m pretty sure most people who see cheaters in Arena see false positives because they have no clue how to play arena.

I can tell most people are bad at drafting, because whenever they ask at Reddit “which leggo” they’re always suggested what works in Standard which is often a terrible choice in Arena.

I do know how to have a constructed deck in mind. and this is exactly why i am complaining. because the game will literally just give you maybe 1 thing and just trash neutral cards you cant do anything with 99% of the time.

Wich is exactly why seeing people with a pure zerg deck should me statisticly nearly impossible to get. yet you see them often. and they always have the mythic skins as well wich is a well known strategy to have bot use expensive skins in games so people see them in action and might buy them

And when i say trash neutral cards i mean for example getting neutral cards used for buffing minion types you will get 0 option to get. thats about 90% of the options you get to pick from

That’s exactly what I told you not to do. If you target a constructed deck in mind you will very easily mess it up because arena is too random.

I’m not that great at drafting myself but I’ve figured a better strategy is to at least pick all the cards that discover other cards.

It’s not the best strategy, but it’s better than e.g. trying to create an asteroid shaman and messing it up.

not even about drafting i hate arena because i rarely get a good set of options maybe 1/5 times i do decent but i jus have terrible luck with this game in some aspects arena being the worst lol the game gives u what it gives u do the best you can with it and thats the best advice i can give or jus dont waste yer time on it i only do it myself when i get tickets from rewards track etc

yeah same here, i tried to buy a few more tickets because i thought id get some more terran options for the quest there. but the options you get are just incoherent dog feces most of the time.

Wich is exactly why i wonder how some people with matching full mythic skins are able to get full themed zerg, protoss or terran decks. thats why i was wondering if there are bots in there. because i really cant imagine real players getting that lucky getting such decks

you would be surprised the things this game does to get your ire its truly mindboggling

All modes are full of bots.

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true but i feel like the ones in standard and wild are player owned bots to grind currency. while the arena ones feel much more like blizz gave some bots a really OP deck to showcase its strengths for sales and also to stomp peoples arena run early. because its impossible for a real player to get so lucky with cards

Paying for tickets in order to do the quests in Arena, is the dumbest thing I heard all week, and this forum has some pretty dumb things.


well once in a long time i go there and you can get more than 2 of the same cards so its possible to do some quests like spawning 200 terrans quicker there.

But honestly arena hasnt been fun since they removed the treasures and stuff

A tip for new players for telling official in-game bots (at low rank) apart from players who may or may not be botting is to bring up your friends list (the icon on the top left of the screen). If your opponent’s name does not show up under “recent” then you are playing a legitimate in-game bot and not an actual human player.

Compare between the different screenshots below taken against an in-game bot with ones taken with a human player’s account.

Barcodes accounts are still common in Arena despite the creation of a “barcode jail,” which was an attempt to segregate super-drafters who retire lots of bad drafts while in search of a god-draft that can stomp most other decks. There are workarounds to avoid ending up in barcode jail.

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oh thank you it makes sense its a barcode account then. But still is it really worth to draft and retire so many games? It doesnt sound like its worth the investment of gold for what you get in return

For many barcoders it’s not about getting the maximum value from spending gold to develop the card collection for an account. Instead, these players buy botted accounts for pennies on the dollar just for the joy of pwning others. The barcode accounts are considered disposable, since many of them will eventually be banned for botting. So barcodes accounts provide a cheap p2w option for players who prefer to play Arena over playing constructed.

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geez some people really have way too much money and time if they spent this much just to get to win until being banned

It feels so pointless to me to do such a thing

I’m pretty sure most people who see barcoding are tilted and see false positives. Why should I believe they are good players who lost to barcoding when they describe that their drafting process is to try to reproduce a netdeck from Standard which is the dumbest thing ever? It’s easy to claim barcoding when nobody was there to check if they were bad or not.

In any case this forums’ claims are definitely usually false positives. The excuses they use to support their claim are usually nothing and most other things they say imply they don’t know how to play the game well.

i agree altho sometimes its obvious like when the player equips a weapon and tried to hit yer location till time runs out

Until a couple of years ago, when players like myself starting talking about barcode decks in Arena, many arena players did not even know they existed.

I have known that barcode decks have existed in Arena since year one. You like to pretend that barcode decks do not exist and you like to gaslight others into thinking that barcoding is not a thing.

Arena streamers and top Arena players have acknowledged barcoding in Arena. Even Blizzard has acknowledged that barcoding and super-drafting were a thing when they attempted to create a barcode jail. Unfortunately, it’s easy to avoid barcode jail.

I know you think this ^ applies to others, but….

Nice strawman. They exist. I say most claims I hear are obvious suspects of false positives.

E.g. someone shows clearly they draft very badly and then claim barcoding opponents,

I mean first learn how to draft something non-bad and then blame cheaters.

/mission accomplished