Is Roping The Best Strategy?

To Climb ranks? I found that when my opponent ropes unnecessarily over multiple turns, eventually, I’m sorry, I get extremely disinterested/bored and simply concede to hopefully move on to a more lively match. But then it got me thinking. Is this intentional? I mean, if I were to rope every turn, and people concede, that seems like a easy way to climb, right? Which, if so…idk, it’s just sorta sad. What do you all think? How has your experience been with players like this?

I fuse burn all fuse burners.

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I admire that. Unfortunately I don’t have it in me to spend life that way.

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Honestly, sometimes the mental game is a strategy. I’d call it a bad one given your response to it yourself because only two things will happen:

  1. The opponent WILL concede and move on

  2. OR they will answer in kind, and you’ll be seeing that rope from them, as well