Is paladin broken?, if so will Devs fix it?

I could just be unlucky when I play against paladin but the class seems really REALLY powerful. Is it supposed to be as powerful as it is or are blizzard aware it’s broken?. If they are aware will they fix it asap or do they do what other bad dev teams do and wait months before fixing their products?. A good Dev team knows games are supposed to be fun and not frustrating. So if it is regarded as op broken, I’m hoping the Dev team are good enough to address within days, unless they’re terrible at managing their game then I expect it to take months which is basically them saying “we really don’t care”, which is bad because players leave and the player base drops then they lose their jobs because they couldn’t do it properly. So no one wins in the end… Well, except paladins

Nope because they do not CARE-- there already are 87% WR paly decks on HSReplay.

I’m not sure why the weapon has 2 attack with 3 charges with +1/+1 handbuff with lifesteal all for only 4 mana? That seems awfully strange to me (I mean, look at Aldrachi Warblades…and they had to nerf that one) There are many ways to bring it more in line with what it should be, but something has to give.

Packs are still selling, once the playerbase slows down or quits from frustration then they will patch. Tale as old as time.

and yet the sheep continue to buy packs.