Is my Hearthstone device too old?

Isn’t it weird that a company would improve a game and at the same time exclude/lose customers due to that change?

If you were at their place wouldn’t you try everything you can NOT to lose customers?

If the iDevice is getting old, I personally think Blizzard saw it coming. As a matter of fact, the app and high resolution cards, sounds and animation are downloaded apart for mobile device. Now is such a change made to save HDD space or is it a way to circumvent the possible ever increasing basal amount of RAM required by Hearthstone to run (by allowing people choosing not to download high resolution effects)? If I’m correct allowing not to download assets could be a way to try not losing mobile customers due to changes made to Hearthstone.

I don’t think new designs (outcast, invoke) would require that much RAM. On the other hand, the size of the game is increasing for sure every expansion. So how does the RAM is filled when a Mage meets a Rogue? All the possible cards from the mage are being loaded into the RAM so that when 1 card is played, it is ready to appear on the board? Same for Rogue? In such a situation increasing collection size would directly increase RAM requirement (much more than new mechanics). So the point you bring about generating cards from cards would thus require reading to HDD with possible “fulled” RAM during a match creating lag?