Is Matchmaking Wrecked?

ok…My question is simple. I am a super low rank. Just started playing again since launch…I havent spent any money at all. So…why do I keep fighting people who have spent hundreds or more? I dont have access to much but I keep being put up against people that have access to everything. like the WHOLE SHABANG lolol I really dont understand. Is this working as intended?


Yes, see diablow immoral payportal. Which is the final form of the actiblizz matchmaking patent. Which if you do an internet search for, you will find, along with a bunch of articles explaining how that works out in their various games.

Can’t be linked here, because the company doesn’t like their publically and legally required to be made available information…made available.

Working exactly as their patent describes. Basically by matching you against opponents with over powered decks and / or cards you dont have.

The logic being that this will entice you to spend money to get these decks / cards

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yes, unfortunately we are now in the presence of a real AI that knows how to make you waste time or money, here it seems that if you spend matchmaking it favors you but this is only partially true, believe me, in the long run the algorithm system will induce you to spend further in an infinite chain

The matchmaking doesn’t look at your collection, it only considers wins & loses. You don’t actually know that they have access to everything, it just seems that way. Simply put, every time you win, the next game is against a stronger opponent, this tends to put everyone at, or near, fifty percent, which is what makes win streaks so difficult to achieve, but win streaks is how you climb quickly.

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patent says otherwise.


no money no funny :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

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