Is it the lack of hard rules?

if an event can only happen once per game maybe there shouldn’t be 3 timewarps in a row lol.

if a deck can only have one specific legendary, maybe 4 ragnaros on the board should be a no. or summoning the same legendary 3-4 times to the board with only the 3 mana cost of those summoning cards?

summon, create w/e legendary you want just not a legendary that was ever in your deck. a copy or repeat summon could do any random legendary.

if the whole point to the game is creating and playing these crazy conditions, then i apologize and have missed the point :wink:

What does this mean? Timewarp is once per game


it was replayed on me in a game a while back, but the memory stuck with me lol.

did you copy paste this from an old thread

is the only explanation for " 3 timewarps in a row"bit

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Gotta be a little quicker to complain on the internet buddy. That’s all been complained about and deleted from existence at this point

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There are new ways to cast multiple if not infinite Time Warps in Wild atm.

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You can cast it as many times as you like. It only works once

not true it will cast again

it does work more than once. but enough of that part.

i just played a standard rated game and even though the deck apparently has:

Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
Reno, Lone Ranger
Cho’gall Twlight Chieftain
and Fye The Setting Sun
somehow another Fye was put on the board at the same time.

Ignoring why someone would be bottom feeding (gold 3) wins with that deck to feed a fragile ego, why should there be 2 of the exact same legendary card in a game much less on the board at the same time?

Apparently playing a 2 mana Dragon tales card gave him another Fye and another copy of Dragon Golem. If it is a random dragon draw card, a limiter could have given ANYTHING else beside the legendaries that are in (or were in) the deck.

In standard format at least, there should be some fixed structure. Leave the crazy meme cards and decks in Wild.

Edit: Boreas, I am the person who typed that info in that thread you mentioned.

Pretty sure that plagiarizing yourself is okay :wink:

Is your whole point “if you can’t have 2 copies in deck then it shouldn’t exist 2 copies in game” ?
Because flavor apart, I don’t see an argument in favor of that in this topic. Just asking for a design change

It doesn’t since it’s been nerfed.
If you encounter a deck that manages to play multiple bonus turns with it please report a bug

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