Is it me or is there no flavor or variety?

Dude is it me just being bored of the game after such a long run ( 6 months ) or is this game lacking in something? I have no fun matching against someone anymore the thrill has totally went away and it just feels like im going through the motions when playing Hearthstone, I used to be very excited to log in and play but now its as if the fun has been drained from the game idk if its just me that feels like this but yeah… I hope that it gives me some stimulation soon because every design and every card seems to be doing the same thing just a little bit differently… but whatever i guess i just need to pick up a new game

you make your own fun

the devs cant force you to have fun

why not make your own deck and mess around in casual

ive been playing a ungoro quest lately, the hunter one, its fun using 1 mana 3/2 raptors

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