Is it just me or is Druid OP right now?

I keep playing against these Druid decks that can get strong minions out for a pretty low cost, they effortlessly get a lot of extra temporary or even permanent mana crystals early, and just now I got a Druid to 4 health, and he played a Titan that got him back to 30 health with a power use, AND gave him a 5/5 taunt minion because he used an ability.

And I thought that Reno card that removes all enemy minions, gives the enemy just 1 spot for a minion next turn, gives 5 armor and gives a new hero ability was OP…

The secret is that they are extremely weak before they ramp to 7-8 mana at least, maybe with the exception of getting an extremely good curve with the taunts.

They basically die easily against anything fast aggro.

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Everything you just said is true, and I would argue that Druids ARE op when they draw their kit in the correct order.

However, the same can be said for basically any class. Even mages and hunters, who are the objectively worst ones right now in standard meta (and rogues aren’t far behind them), can be OP in the rare game where they draw well and their opponent doesn’t.

Druids are at or near the top, for sure. That doesn’t mean they can’t have bad luck, but they are consistently good right now.


I just played a drude and all his cards cost ZERO.
How do I even beat that when they are also milling you and can draw their entire deck if they want to?
Also since all the cards cost ZERO they can keep covering the board not to mention they used the warrior guy to douible the stats of the cards.

How do I beat this?

Obviously that dinosaur card they play is an “I WIN” card.

barnabus the stomper? yeah jungle giants quest is pretty strong in wild since they buffed it. it is pretty hard to win once that goes off and the opponent draws some more 0 cost minions.

The mistake starts from being in Wild.