Is infinite spell castng and card drawing fun?

Is it fun to play against infinite set-ups?
Like pull cards down put them back up over and over to fill your deck with something or just so it is endless. way past the timer. Sometimes up to half an hour because as long as the spells or card generation is going on the turn never ends.
Is it fun to play against turns that never end is the real question.
Also… If someone fuse burns… I fuse the burn the entire game against them. So if you were not paying attention or were cooking dinner and had to flip your burgers you might as well forfeit or face the fuse.
Amirite bois?

If someone ropes one turn them plays normally the rest of the game, and it’s obvious that they must have had a lapse of attention for that turn, then roping them the rest of the game makes you the jerk.

Madam their only choice at the point is to forfeit. My game, my rules. The end.

And that makes you a jerk. All because of pixels on a screen, a children’s card game. Please, for the sake of others around you because I’m sure you are just as awful offline as you are in a video game, seek psychiatric help. I don’t know who hurt you as a child to make you feel like you need to make other people feel bad in order to feel good, but you might want to get that figured out.

The adults in your life seriously failed you as a child if you are so mentally brittle that a children’s card game can put you on tilt like this.

Relax. Go outside. Breathe fresh air. Touch grass.


I don’t think it’s fun personally. Casting the same cards over and over is just lame to me.