Is infantry reanimator bugged

Was playing thaddius lock, the board state was, i had 2 thaddius, and sargarus on the board. The enemy was a highlander Shaman. He used Reno, which cleared my board, and only allowed one summon next turn. So i took my next turn like normal. Then the turn after that i activated Infantry reanimator but it didnt resurrect my thaddius, it didnt resurrect anything at all. Its like the battle cry didn’t trigger. Am i missing something or is this a bug?

Reno’s battlecry removes all enemy minions from the game. It does not destroy them, so they will not activate any on-death effects and cannot be resurrected

As you may have noticed Sargeras does the same thing when you select “Send all other minions into the twisting nether”, triggering no deathrattles when used.