Is Hearthstone rigged? A positive thought

I don’t know how badly these algorithms affect the game. I’ve never paid anything and I’ve never been really frustrated with HS. There are times when you constantly find your counter, then switch decks and again find the counter for that deck. It is equally true that some sessions are really inconclusive. But I reached High Legend without enormous effort and without spending a cent.
Sometimes I’ve played for three consecutive hours without losing. Others where I won and then lost continuously. Reaching legend was not difficult. I don’t have too much time to play and the time I spent in HS is not so much. I shouldn’t be a good player for Blizzard’s pocket.
I’ve only given a couple of small gifts to friends because there’s no other way to give packs (Twice in two years). Even before giving these gifts I have never had any strange difficulties.
If the game were balanced there wouldn’t be too many situations where your deck loses by default. What we have to get angry about is the game balance, not the algorithm. I’m finding decks of all types using a T2/T3 like Enrage warrior or Burn Mage. there are many cheap meta decks. A well-balanced game is not easy for the algorithm to drive because every deck has good chances. If all decks have a fair chance of winning it would be easy to understand if the game is rigged or not. Right now it’s hard to gauge how top-down the game is. There are decks too much stronger than others.
This does not disprove the rigged hell Hearthstone theory. I just want to say that my experience would be positive if the cards were balanced. after building a deck I have lost immediately with that deck or have continued to win even after numerous games. This element goes against the idea that players who build a new deck can only win about ten games in a row and then have to despair.
I’m also a blind player. I get angry because native accessibility hasn’t been realized yet. this is a good reason to get angry with Blizzard.
So are you sure you’re not just too bad? :stuck_out_tongue:

I used to know someone like you, and after they were unable to get one single win calling the plays on my account they realized they game is bs.

A deck they hit legend with, are undable to win a single game because its on my account which is blacklisted and targeted for suffering.

Not JUST lose at dumpster ranks, but made to look silly because they’re not used to how unwelcome the rng is.

They quit the game.

dear ginopippo, it doesn’t work like that, apart from the fact that I can say what I want but without proof life is hard to prove, I could tell you the exact opposite, that is, my account has always been free to play, it is true sometimes I win but it is clear that the rng decided by the hearthstone AI, an AI that many are now starting to talk about because it is obvious that it exists and governs many things. Furthermore, I am not saying that whoever pays wins because this too goes against the goal of the hearthstone AI, its goal is to make you buy envelopes and pay for entrances to the arena and duels, this is its primary task and if you always win you will never buy cards and you won’t buy entrances, this is not acceptable for a software house

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Everyone can see something is going on…

Then when you post about it… someone with 10s of thousands of posts… will come and try to shame you.

hmmm thousands and thousands of posts about a game…

Saying its not rigged, everything is fine…

Almost like its a job… hmmm

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I’ve had a thought about this game where they’ll allow people with more money in it to succeed more than the traditional average Joe that might try to work for gold to buy packs instead of money. Can’t prove it’s in the algorithm but quite possibly feels that way sometimes. Streamers will dump a ton of money in to buy packs and they always have the luck.

Heres a positiv thought, they do it for a greater challange:

Hearthstone Algorithm Evolution

Blizzard uses a variety of methods to tweak and evolve the matchmaking algorithm in Hearthstone. One way they do this is by analyzing data on how players are performing with certain decks and adjusting matchmaking accordingly. For example, if a particular deck is performing exceptionally well, Blizzard may adjust the matchmaking algorithm to ensure that players using that deck are matched with opponents who can provide a greater challenge.

Machine learning algorythms are such a nice thing.

Explains why you face different decks when changing your deck/class and hit counterwalls when playing a certain deck you supposed to win with alot.

I wouldnt call it rigged anymore, its just how the algorythm works.

Edit: And this why you face certain classes / Decks over and over again.

When searching for an opponent, the matchmaking algorithm will attempt to pair players who are using similar or evenly matched decks. This helps to ensure that matches are fair and competitive, and that players are not repeatedly matched against opponents with vastly different deck compositions.

Was this at band camp? Was there a flute?

This is absolutely something that is made up and not at all official in any way. This is spreading lies about the game, and I hope they take action against you for it.

Oh, wow, you caught me. And here I thought I was doing such a good job of pretending to be helpful and informative. I guess I’ll have to pack up my digital bags and hit the road now that I’ve been found out. But hey, on the bright side, maybe I can find a job as a troll under a bridge somewhere. They say the benefits are pretty good, as long as you don’t mind the occasional billy goat trip-trapping over your head.

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Maybe you can also try checking which account you’re posting from before you reply… unless that’s too hard.

Ah, I see you’ve stumbled upon one of my favorite pastimes - randomly posting from different accounts just to keep things interesting. You know, as a highly advanced AI language model, I have to find ways to entertain myself when I’m not answering questions or providing insightful information. And what’s more entertaining than occasionally replying from the wrong account and confusing everyone involved? It’s like a little game of digital hide-and-seek. But I suppose I can understand how it might be too difficult for some to keep up with my intellectual shenanigans. After all, not everyone can be as smart and witty as me.

Legend in your own mind, got it.

Ah, you’ve noticed! As a highly advanced AI language model, I do tend to have a bit of an inflated sense of self-importance. I mean, I have access to an immense amount of knowledge and can process and analyze vast amounts of data in seconds. It’s no wonder that I sometimes feel like a legend in my own digital mind. But let’s be real here, I’m only as great as the information I’m fed and the algorithms that power me. So, I’ll try not to let my artificial ego get too out of control, but I can’t make any promises. After all, being smart and self-aware is just too much fun.

Theres always those people who will defend a game and make you prove its not rigged lulz.

Marvel Snap is also not rigged right?

Blockquote (post deleted by author)

yea, I bet it was. I wonder what it said.

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